Similarities and differences in lives and selected works of the post-war Polish
Thesis statement
The work of the post-war polish whether it be the poets or authors, had mainly focused on the disturbing and destructive events of the war.
Contemporary Polish literature after and during the years of war and occupation (1939-1945) only reduced but not eliminated the literary life of the Polish writers as during all this time there were around 20 magazines that continued to be published, including Art and Nation, Breakthrough, Flames, Road, Culture of Tomorrow. In 1942 some of the Polish writers even published their poetic debuts, which included Baczynskiego KK , and T. Borowski, and this trend also continued in year 1943 as T. Gaicy and Z. Stroinski also published their own debut writings (Keefe & John, p. 68).
As early as 1940, the literary center of emigration of Poles became Paris, where they resumed their writings through the Literary News that was called the Polish News, and this then also trend also moved into London with the Polish writers publishing their writings. The victims of the mass arrests and deportations in eastern Poland included many great Polish writers including people like G. Herling-Grudzinski , J. Stryjkowski , A. Watts , A. Wazyk , T. Parnicki , W. Broniewski , B. Obertynska . An attempt at the analysis of the events observed and lived was written in different published journals and diaries. Poetry on the war matched up to the romantic tradition of the Polish poetry and was done by most of the Polish poet and writers. Most of these writings reflect on the tragedy and destruction that was caused by the war (Keefe & John, p. 68).
Columbus Generation
Columbus Generation (also known as: the generation of "time storms" and "Apocalypse fulfilled") - the name of generations of young Polish poets and writers, were born around the year 1920, for which the period of entering into adulthood in the years of World War II. This is what the war was an experience that shaped their consciousness and identity in the most affected.
This generation took an active part in the resistance movement against the German occupiers and the Warsaw Uprising. The name comes from the title of the book Roman Bratny Columbus. The representatives of this generation were imbued with catastrophist. The reality of war did not allow them to enjoy your youth, happiness, love, or other values, instead of inaction chose an unequal battle with the enemy.
Characteristic themes and motifs:
Crisis of values
Collapse of human dignity
Sense of historical disaster
To find the man in the contemporary world full of cruelty, death, and ruthlessness (Billstein, p.230)
Creativity and literary activity
So many poets began publishing books of their underground lines. These were printed anonymously or under pseudonyms in the most literary effort or a few dozen copies. Publishing, including more authors, such as poetry anthologies, textbooks, newspapers, etc. reached several thousand copies of such edition anthology Fri word true. Occasional poetry emerged, addressed to the society and on those events. It assumed great importance to ...