Shrm At Pilkington

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Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) at Pilkington

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Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) at Pilkington

Answer no. 1

Pilkington utilized a strategic human resources management (SHRM) approach whereby it aligned its human resources functions and strategies with the business strategy. The glass making and the insulation providing businesses were doing very badly. In such a scenario of a loss-making situation, it was vital to bring about structural changes in the human resources management. Accordingly, Pilkington used the matching model of SHRM which links the human resources strategy with the business strategy while making fundamental changes to the structure of the organisation (Armstrong & Barron, 2002).

Accordingly, Pilkington instituted fundamental changes at the organisation in its structure. The organisation was decentralised and all of the responsibility and authority was shifted to the divisional managers. Further, the line managers and staff were empowered while their job responsibilities were also redefined. Further, the collective bargaining arrangement utilised by the labour union was also shelved. In addition, other structural changes were also incorporated which included rationalisation, belt-tightening, and other measures. In this way, Pilkington effectively implemented the matching model of SHRM.

Furthermore, the culture at the organisation was also changed in line with SHRM. There used to be a bureaucratic culture in the organisation before. In this way, the divisional heads ruled the organisation the way they wished. Later on, the approach of SHRM was utilized and this culture was rooted out. In essence, the integrative model of SHRM was used and the subsequent human resources were managed through a commitment human resources strategy. This strategy puts the human resources as originated from within the organisation. Therefore, it develops its human resources and then measures their performance with respect to outcomes that they achieve. In this way, the previous non-performance based culture was rooted out to ...