Should We Have The Right To Own Guns?

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Should We Have the Right to Own Guns?


The right to gun ownership is the right of any individual to the possession, use and transport of weapons, for defense , sports and hunting (as a means of survival or sport) without prejudice to other legal activities that could be done with them.

This right is often associated with the United States where, with few limitations by law, is fully recognized. But in fact its origins are ancient and original interpretation different from today.

Historical Overview

The original phrase in English is "right to bear arms." The right to gun ownership emerged in England in the Middle Ages, when they were sitting the precedents of Common Law (Common Law) and parliamentary monarchy. In 1181 Henry II passed a law requiring every man free to own guns for the king. That is, the right to gun ownership was linked to military service.

In 1689 was awarded the right to own guns for personal defense-only for the Protestant -in which is its modern interpretation. This right was part of the Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights) of the same year, which is included in the current unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom. The right to own guns, like the rest of the common law was exported to the United States, Canada, Australia and other territories.

But in the decades following the enactment, the British Parliament imposed many restrictions that eventually abolish this law. The exceptions were the Thirteen Colonies in British North America: not only maintained, but the cities gave up his control to local authorities. And with the Independence of the United States the possession of weapons became a right enshrined.

Control advocates are justified in the alleged increase in crime and criminality, is widely discussed, and often also appeals to the "threats to national security." For example, in the interwar European states controlled the weapons as a preventative against communism and now terrorism Islamist is put forward as a new argument. By tradition, the United States apply a contrary approach and allows citizens to have arms for their defense. Either way most countries reserve the arms control, preventing access to the public.

Second Amendment

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to reassure states' rights advocates and Anti-federalists that the states would be able to maintain state-based militias under the new constitutional system that vested vastly expanded military powers in the hands of the national government under the Constitution of 1787.

Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)

The research arm of the Citizens Committee for the Right to keep and Bear Arms, this organization promotes the view that the Second Amendment provides individuals with a constitutional right to own guns for their own purposes .

Second Amendment Rhetoric

The political tactic of connecting gun ownership practices with the Second Amendment as a way of enshrining and elevating any and all matters related to guns in order to obtain political ...
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