Should The Draft Be Reinstated?

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Should the draft be Reinstated?


The draft is a waste of time, effort and money. The United States is one of the strongest armies in the world for quality of welding. Raw fans picketing for one year, or just simply see the fall of the standards. In addition, after a year, will be released. The good news is that somebody? The Military draft should be reinstated mainly because it can help young people keep away from many problems, the lack of parents control is making kids to becoming a problem for today's society. Also will keep United States army to be the finest army in the world, the volunteer system existing today it may be not enough to do this job. Military service, or the draft, is a hot-button topic in America. There are always people willing to talk about the downsides of the draft, such as how it reduces troop morale and how conscripts are not as dedicated as volunteer troops. The classic debate between individual liberty and duty to society is where people argue considering the draft in two ways; good and not good. History says that many people died for it, perhaps because the people who did were truly Americas or maybe they knew that a nation with a sense of patriotism is a strong nation. For a quarter of a century, specifically 1948-1973, all young American men faced a military service obligation (David, 2010, 34-67).


With all the war events going on in Europe president Roosevelt, he had a vision of an army that could defend United States from enemy countries. That was part of American history, and history usually repeat repeatedly. The world vision has changed since then; technology and expanding mentality from enemies' countries to this country make them more dangerous that ever. The history of the military draft started with a vision of precaution due to the world events going on in other countries. In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Service and Training Act, which requires all male citizens between the ages of 26 and 35 to register for the military draft.

On the other hand, the draft will avoid some rights to the people who are drafted and there are many arguments about it. The draft perhaps could prevent young people from many problems due to the lack of discipline and commitment to society and to themselves. The kids growing up today, the ones whose parent were only barely touched by Viet Nam and who only heard about WWII from grandparents are quite spoiled by previous generations experiences. Our country is at war today. It is not the same type as WWII or Korea or Vietnam, but we are at war for our survival as a Western free society. Despite of how bright kids are today, the lack of self respect and respect to others make them a perfect target to make awful mistakes ending in juvenile detention places. The respect to elders almost does not exist, and this phenomenon ...
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