Short Stories Of Ethical Business Practices

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Short Stories of Ethical Business Practices

Short Stories of Ethical Business Practices

Yahoo turned over messages from a private Yahoo e-mail accounts to the Chinese government. Google suppresses searches on “democracy” and “freedom” from Chinese searchers. Is this legal? Is this ethical? Explain fully noting the ethical principle driving your decision.

The Chinese government, with the help of search engines like Google and Yahoo, has found a new target for the Internet and responsibilities as monitoring of all its citizens and a new tool for propaganda. Over the past few months, China has begun to establish committees, chief among which is the Ministry of Culture to see all the new computer and video games before they hit the shelves.

What exactly do Google and Yahoo doing wrong? Google search on the suppression of "democracy" and "freedom" from the Chinese search. But the goal of any company is to expand. In order to expand and be successful a company must make its products available in the new markets now, China is the largest of the new market with estimates of 80 to 94 million potential new customers. Unlike the United States is not an individual customer, these companies must sell, but the Chinese government. On the one hand, they bowed to the wishes of the Chinese government and ignoring the personal lives of Chinese citizens, but with respect for the Chinese government is the only way that these companies could do business in China.

The Bush administration has placed greater pressure on the search engine companies like Google and Yahoo to disclose information about their users. In the face of this pressure, they refused. Why? Why compliance with Chinese authorities and the fight against the Bush administration. Because, like any good company their loyalty lies with their customers, and as of now, ...
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