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Shanghai Lectures

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ShanghAI Lectures

ShanghAI Lectures


The social network focuses on building online communities of people who share similar interests and / or activities, and are interested in exploring the interests and activities other. Most social networking services are web based and provide a variety of ways to interact with users such as email and instant messaging. In the globalized society of 21st century, the networks of knowledge are the highest expressions of man as a producer of knowledge and need to exchange and transfer what they learned and what he creates, from the interaction within a social and a technological platform very particular context.


Technology is becoming more sophisticated and integrating into our everyday lives as social networking technologies are taking over. Technology will soon get to the point where the virtual world can't be distinguished from the real world and it will become the center point of social interaction (Sun, 2011). It would get to the point where there was no point in interacting on a physical level since you can do all that plus more on a virtual level. The use of social network sites has shown to be directed more towards connecting people who already have offline relations than forming new ones.

The most amazing thing about the social networking debate is that so much of it is happening on the Internet (Shanfelt, 2008). Already so many studies have been done and so many records have been collected on the subject. People were immediately aware of what positive and negative outcomes derive from using such sites because they were living it (August and Meadows, 2008). It is incredibly easy to be using a SNS and the collect your data in another browser or program, I bet many of the ones conducting the studies are users. Because SNSs would not exist without the Internet, they will probably be discussed a lot on the Internet. Like many things, tangible and intangible, the SNS must be used responsibly (Schorr and Schenk, 2003). People see the bad things about them without even experiencing it; they just see it happen to someone else, many times through a SNS.

Artificial intelligence is a broad subject, covering all disciplines of thousands of students around the world. The ShanghAI lectures are designed with an aim to build a cultural community, which the AI will be able to share information openly, interactively. Today, research and education, the world is truly global, and students want the opportunity to jointly explore the most advanced thinking, where they are located. The lectures provide a model of how global education can be offered as riveting and cooperation on the basis of the research networks of students to learn to collect and forward information about the boundaries around the world.

The aim of this program is to build in a collaborative bridge between the students and researchers from diverse disciplines including subjects related to Artificial Intelligence; computer science, biology, informatics and philosophy. They will make the cutting edge knowledge available to everybody connected to the internet and create a ...
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