This is not the story of the characters by William Shakespeare, but the version of contemporary women i.e., Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca. Desdemona is a handkerchief history trying to tell women what happened to Othello. Desdemona is a victim of blindness, brutality, stupidity and political intrigues of ambitious men. Desdemona is another victim of the machinations of Iago, and a woman represented by the author as a fragile (Shakespeare, 15).
Shakespeare's Desdemona in Modern Feminism
Desdemona is a heroine in William Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. She is the daughter of Senator Brabantio, Married to Othello. Some experts believe that it is the final embodiment of a traditional woman ruled by her heart and loyal to her husband, even as the killer. Contradictory interpretation is that the character is a woman far ahead of her time (Shakespeare, 15).
Desdemona feminized characteristics of male dominance, aggression and authority for the match. Traditional patterns of behavior of women and girls, puts', these women to reach adulthood, such as not to lose their autonomy and privacy. Othello tries to justify the murder at the end of the game. “Desdemona for the" irresponsible presents love the femininity as excellent representation.
Othello states: "I fell in love with her with his fearlessness; it is also my sympathy for his _" (I, 3). But on the other hand, when people are surprised at how Desdemona could love a dark-skinned, she replies: "For me, beauty _ Othello in Othello exploits." They are not united will of the parents, not on any account (the main incentives for the aristocratic and bourgeois marriage), not even a spontaneous sensual rush to each other, such as Romeo and Juliet, and a deep mutual understanding and full acceptance of one entity to another _ the highest form of human love. A closely related and the nature of Othello's jealousy: this is not wounded sense of honor (as, for example, in Calderon's drama "The doctor of honor"), but it's not philistine sense of the husband-owner, on whose rights are infringed. This feeling is the greatest insults of absolute truth and confidence, combining Othello and Desdemona. Jealousy of his morally the same order as the love. As always, Shakespeare is not confined to the reconsideration of intentions and actions of characters in his tragedy, taken from deepening and developing the characters, sketched by Italian novelist, he radically restructured them, investing in their meaning and purpose of a completely new meaning, opening up a new world. This world is based on three images; enter into a most surprising connections and relationships. The first of these courses is Othello himself. This is one of the most remarkable creations of Shakespeare. Othello combines the features of barbarism and highly spiritual culture, primitive freshness and impetuosity of the senses with a bright mind. "The Moor", that is, according to the ideas of the time, half-savage, he was young, he entered a mercenary in the service of the Republic of Venice and in this way has reached high ranks, became a Venetian ...