The recent publication of the journal helps to extract the latest information about the Shaken Baby Syndrome disease. Several anatomic features of the infant, such as a large head compared with body size, weak neck muscles, and lack of myelination cause the infant to be highly susceptible to abusive head injury from being shaken.
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The paper defines that This syndrome is also called SBS is the most common cause of nonaccidental head injury (NAHI). In SBS, the infant is usually picked up by the shoulders or around the torso or chest and shaken back and forth. Forty to fifty shakes can be performed within a 20-second period, and the shaking does not have to continue for very long or be repeated in order to cause severe injuries.
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The physical abused child 's one of the proposed mechanisms of trauma, whiplash-like injury, results from the acceleration-deceleration forces of being violently shaken. Reference 4 of Annotated Bibliography
To understand the disease it is significant to review this journal as there are several other information required for the comprehensive learning.
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SBS is a severe form of physical abuse. The perpetrator is usually the biologic father or the maternal boyfriend, although baby-sitters, day care workers, and biologic mothers are also reported to be perpetrators. Often, the perpetrator is easily frustrated. Crying is the major precipitating factor that leads a perpetrator to shake the infant.
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The journal provides significant information about the treatment of disease and parental role. Follow facility protocols for notification of parent(s)/caregiver that a child abuse report has been filed with child protective services. Reference 7 of Annotated Bibliography
Shaken baby syndrome is completely preventable and early interventions have been successful. Parents and ...