Undoubtedly, the world is full of surprises and marvels. Let it be the natural occurrences in the universe and the world, or the ever changing behaviours of the mankind; also every era brings not only a new aspect but also whole bunch of surprises. Now it is that era when almost everyone has become immune to any change or surprise. The surprise and change are taken as yet another gift and endowment of the incessantly progressing world and modern times, by the inhabitants of the world. Amongst those surprises or changes, which the world is enduring, is the escalating trend and revelation of the attraction towards the same sex, by the individual. This phenomenon has managed to attain both the ridicule and acceptance from the societies; however, there are still substantial chunk of the population who find themselves surrounded and involved in the never ending debate, regarding the validity and authentication of such an approach and orientation.
Sexual Orientation
The general description of the sexual orientation articulates the possession of attraction and emotions, let it be romantic or physical, towards the other person, either from the opposite sex or the same sex. Now with the passage of time and the exposure of the numerous facets of attraction towards the other person, the world has attributed different categories and names to these forms of emotional appeals, such as asexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality.
Moreover, researchers also believe that the sexual orientation also denotes the person's own view of the social as well as the personal identity, with respect to the attraction and emotions he/she endures, and the form of the membership that person gains in the society, as well as in the community, where other people endure the same set of emotions and attractions.
The concept, as described earlier is not only just confined to the sexual conduct and sensations, but it also eloquently describes the feelings and emotions, as well as their own attribution and adherence to a certain identity and community, which necessary does not require them to indulge in to a sexual activity to manifest their orientation. For instance, there have been numerous individuals, who proudly declare themselves as homosexuals, without indulging in to the sexual activity with the partner of the same sex (Morgan, 2011).
The Concepts about Sexual Orientation
Many individuals believe that there are two facets of the sexual orientation that is, either the sexual orientation is natural in every human being, or it widely depends on the discretion and choice of the individuals. The first aspect entails that everyone is born with the normal set of attraction towards other individual, which if elaborated, means that, on a broader scale, a person or human being is born straight. The rationality behind this claim resides in the rejection of the proposal that there exists no need of cursing and ridiculing the individuals with mixed feelings, as they are born this way. It relentlessly articulates and accentuates on the same point over and over again, that the orientation of an individual depends ...