Sexual Language

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Becoming Comfortable With Sexual Language

Becoming Comfortable With Sexual Language


Vulgarity is what characterizes the language and behavior of the lower classes, in the eyes of those who do not believe in its use. The vulgar strongly condemned by well-meaning, unlike the gregarious behavior that is not horrific mass. The vocabulary of everyday life, the "street", is full of verbal expressions perceived as low, uttered not by negligence, but knowingly, in order, if nothing else, to shock the surroundings. This relaxed attitude can only be detected at an early age, in the playgrounds and other places of social grouping (Croft, William, 2000).

Unlike the familiar terms, or slang, used in a given environment and most often in the spoken language and no desire to shock, the use of vulgar terms leads to poor self-regard by society, because of taboos historical moral, sentimental, whose speakers are fully aware of the rest, seeking the condemnation of people in society, the better to stand out (Croft, William, 2000). Dictionaries created a hierarchy of qualifiers for the words of the people familiar, popular, vulgar, trivial, vulgar, lewd, which it is difficult to determine or assess the limits.


Becoming Comfortable With Sexual Language

Sexuality is more personal communication, because, in essence, it shares the physical, psychological and emotional for both men and women. In the language of sexuality, the body plays a crucial role in conveying messages of affection, pleasant and instinctive that can be lived with great intensity and enjoyed both physically and emotionally, but both should know how they can indulge you to fully enjoy their relationship (Mitchell, Anthony, 2005). This is the most profound expressions that may exist in people, and share them involves being fully aware of each and create a language that they can enjoy sex. Many of the failures in this regard is due to the inability to clarify ideas and myths that make it difficult to express feelings, explains Maria Elena Lopez and Maria Fernanda Gonzalez in his book Intelligence partner, an encounter between reason and emotion (Mitchell, Anthony, 2005).

The first rule is to have the confidence to say how they would like to love and be sincere when fatigue, not teases, one key can only be given a loving hug and tell you tomorrow. The couple understood that it is time to sleep and charge the energy for the next day (Mitchell, Anthony, 2005). If you just want more stimulation in the relationship and do not dare to speak, help to stimulate you with his hands, causing caress your whole body, or just give an aromatherapy oil to understand that you want a massage, while you active relax and your hormones. If time is short because there were visitors, but want to be together, how about a quickie, if both have that desire may use the code in their looks and approaches to say "Let us hurry" (Mitchell, Anthony, 2005).

According to experts, short sex can be an important link to provide the connection they need, provided you do not forget the ...
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