Sexual Identity And Experience

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Sexual Identity and Experience

Sexual Experience and Identity


Sexuality is a complicated phenomenon to be addressed, almost every individual may be sexually attracted towards another individual however sexual attraction might not only be towards opposite gender, recently it is also common to experience people being attracted to human belonging to same gender [3]. The term sexuality cannot be described by answering any one particular question; it revolves around three broad dimensions, which includes the way people describe their sexuality, to which gender they are attracted and with whom they have had sexual experiences. Sexual orientation is a broad array of study it comprises of sexual attraction, identity and experience. It reflects the patterns of romantic, emotional and sexual attraction to men and women or even individuals might be attracted to both sexes [2]. These individuals might belong to any one of the three groups of sexuality, which includes heterosexual individuals who are attracted to people of their opposite sex, homosexual who are attracted to same sex individuals or they might be bi-sexual men and women who are have emotional, romantic and sexual attraction towards both same sex people and individuals of their opposite sex. It is essential to distinguish between sexual identity, attraction and experience. As individuals might be attracted to opposite gender yet they will have sexual experience with individuals having same sex [3].

Importance of the Study

An important aspect of human life is sexuality, which enables him to understand his sexual identity. To have a healthy relationship with your partner love, attraction and sexual intimacy contributes to great extend, thus it is essential to determine the aspects associated with this part of human life [1]. It examines the ways in person is sexually attracted to another person, this is then further determined by the sexual orientation, they might be attracted to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), same sex (homosexuality) or they might have tendencies of both (bisexual). Therefore the study would help to understand the factors that are associated with individuals for being sexually attracted towards others [9]. The result of the study will also assist in understanding the prevalence of same-sex and opposite-sex attraction in Australia and consequently the prevalence of sexual identity. The study will also prove to be significant as it will help to analyze the factors that cause people to get sexually attracted to someone else not only in Australia but the article also highlights the data collected from other developed countries [5].

Objective of the Study

Most significant objective of the study is to determine the reason for occurrence of people being sexually attracted to others belonging to the same gender or to people of their opposite sex. It will also determine the prevalence of sexuality and sexual identity, simultaneously the sexual experiences of different individuals living in Australia.


In order to gather sufficient relevant data about the study, primary research was conducted to collect first hand data and critically evaluate the findings. The method use for gathering the data for the study was to conduct computer-assisted telephone ...
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