Sexual Dysfunction

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Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction


The term sexual dysfunction (sexual dysfunction) refers to the problems associated with sexual desire, sexual arousal, sexual orgasm or pain during sexual activity. Disorders of sexual desire include decreased sexual desire and sexual aversion. Sexual arousal disorders include a disorder of sexual excitability in women and erectile dysfunction in men, both types of disorders is the difficulty with sexual arousal, even with normal sexual desire. The term female sexual dysfunction describes the inability to feel full, healthy and comfortable, in whole or in part, the various states or stages the body goes through physical and usually during sexual activity. In general, these steps are described as follows: the phase of desire, the stimulation phase and the phase of orgasm. (Heiman, 1988)

The incidence of pain during sex is also part of female sexual dysfunction. In women, sexual dysfunction takes many forms and can be explained by various causes. To solve the problems, it is important to consider all aspects of female sexuality, the physical, psychological, physiological (mechanical) or interpersonal. Sexual dysfunctions and desire disorders can affect anyone, both men and women, and occur at any age. Supposed to be fulfilling sexuality can then weigh heavy on the shoulders of a couple. Whatever the problem, it is often difficult to discern what is physiological from what is psychological. The ideas, thoughts and feelings are at least as important as physical manifestations. (Leiblum, 1989)

Sexual dysfunction may be the result of physical or psychological problems.

These conditions include diabetes, heart disease and cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney disease or liver disease, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction. In addition, the side effects of certain drugs, including some antidepressant can affect sexual desire and sexual function.

Psychological reasons. These include stress and anxiety related to work, worrying about their sexual functioning problems in a marriage or in relationships, depression, guilt and consequences of sexual trauma that happened in the past.

Major forms of sexual dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction: Can be diagnosed as erectile dysfunction installs a repeated inability to have an erection or maintain it properly during intercourse. It should not be confused with the isolated or occasional erectile failure, which, though often lived so annoying, should be seen for what it is: normal. The vast majority of men know at one time or another these periods without their life or that of their partner is not so far disrupted. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 20% of men aged 50 to 59 years, a proportion that increases with age and disease. The fact remains that a healthy man can remain sexually active well into old age. (Becker, 1989)

Decreased desire: Once exclusively associated with women, failure of sexual desire affects both men. An infinite number of factors can interfere with desire. Culture, values, economic and social context are few. In fact, a genuine desire disorder is diagnosed when loss of libido occurs without apparent reason and persists over time. In general, the factors involved in erectile dysfunction ...
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