Sex/Gender Distinction

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Sex/Gender Distinction

The sex/gender relationship

This critical analysis includes the work of two writers. First is Judith Butler (1990). He is the author of 'Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity'. Second writer chosen for the critical analysis is Candace West and Don Zimmerman (1987). They were the author of 'doing gender'. The first half of the paper analyzes the work of Judith Butler; while the second half discusses the work of Candace and Zimmerman.

Feminist practice is built on the assumption that psychological growth and distress are best understood within a bio-psychosocial, ecological framework that places emphasis on how the personal becomes political, or how personal lives are shaped by social context and culture. From its inception, gender or sex role analysis was identified as a primary component of ecological assessment in feminist therapy, and has consisted of a variety of activities that involve exploring and raising consciousness about ways in which individuals feel compelled to subscribe to traditional or confining gender roles. Important aspects have included exploring the costs, benefits, and implications of gender and related social identities (e.g., culture, race, class, and sexual orientation) experienced at personal, interpersonal, and institutional levels (Butler1990, 18).

Queer theories challenge bipolar categories (e.g., homosexual/heterosexual); emphasize fluid and overlapping aspects of identity; and propose an overarching umbrella that encompasses diverse identities associated with gender, race, and sexuality. For example, queer identity allows for the expression of bisexual, intersex, transgendered, and “queer, heterosexual” identities. Concept of performativity focuses on ways in which gender is scripted, regulated, and inscribed on the body by culture, has been especially influential. Butler rejects notions that sex and gender can be separated, arguing that physical bodies are gender from birth and that sex does not exist without gender. Similarly, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not fixed identities; they involve doing “queerness” or “straightness.”

First and foremost women should be given their outstanding rights. Giving those rights means that they will be able to raise their voices against any injustice. Women should be provided with equal opportunities in society, such as they should be allowed to work and should be eligible for a high pay job just like men in the society. Women should also be entitled to the freedom that men enjoy in society and should be respected regardless of race, color and religion. When talking about equal working opportunities for both men and women, it is meant that women are offered flexible work timings. This will help them in looking after their children and manage their work and personal responsibilities very well. This will also increase the level of employment in a country and will be beneficial for the whole economy. Not providing women with equal work opportunities results in serious loss of skills for an economy and promotes poverty (Butler1990, 18).

Women should be respected for what they are. Man and woman are two very different beings, with varying capacities so, they should be treated differently. Both of them are born with differing abilities and are built differently in a natural ...
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