Sex And Sexuality

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Sex And Sexuality

Sex And Sexuality

Discuss the root of the Western view of sex and sexuality.

The ancients, who did not share the modern Western separation between sacred and profane, always regarded sexuality as an aspect of the great mystery of existence. They can therefore provide key cultural contributions. Indian literature, written almost in Sanskrit, but also in Tamil and Pali (the language of the Buddha), has a rich tradition of treatises on sexuality that was discovered in the West from translations of scholars in the Indo-European languages. The earliest and best known is the Kama Sutra, written by Vatsyasana between IV and VI century. From the Kama Sutra (the oldest preserved, but not the first to be written) to the Aranga Ranga, the seventeenth century, a number of works, from similar sources, adapted knowledge about sexuality and love each of the periods. Among them are the Koka Shastra, written in the twelfth century by a poet and troubadour named Kokkoka of who little is known (Tracey, 2004).

The fact that all sexuality Sanskrit manuscripts Vatsyasana revere the classic and based on it and the existence of many versions and translations of these works led often to doubt the originality of the text. The reading of these texts are connected with the tantric tradition in which sex has a religious dimension and symbolic. Teacher's books Vatsyasana devoted to sensual massage and postures of love have been developed and elaborated in more detail to achieve a more accessible language. In the West we have a too narrow view of humanity and, therefore, we also have a limited view of sexuality. We cannot live without recovering erotic beings before its spiritual depth. Sexuality helps us to reconnect with that depth, is the gateway to the spiritual dimension. The truths of the Hindu Tantric tradition, dating back to distant periods of human history, its heyday was in 7000 BC, in its most essential was not the man's gaze in wonder before the mystery of his existence and astonished face the primordial power of their sexual nature (Tracey, 2004).

Tantra is an ancient system of ritual and practical techniques that employ creative sexual energy to transport the individual to a higher state of consciousness. Almost all religious traditions look with distrust and suspicion hidden because Tantra uses sexual union as a vehicle for cosmic illumination. This has led him to stay hidden and keep their techniques secret for centuries. The feverish minds of these critics "religious" have done more damage than the Satanic Inquisition. Transcendence through sex that makes the Tantra not be understood as a license for sexual wantonness and lust because its practice requires great discipline. Tantra transforms lust into love. Tantra methods use the most powerful energy we have, sexual energy, to penetrate into the spiritual realms. Mastery of one's sexual energy is the first step to mastering the cosmic energy (Arnqvist, Rowe, 2005).

Courage and discipline are necessary and essential to develop a Tantric perspective of sexuality because of the many forces that seek to inhibit ...
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