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The development of the logical structures of human thought through five (according to other representations of four) steps or stages, although in the complete detachment of a form of thinking may be interpreted by the other one does not sense, but rather build on each other and interact must be understood standing. However, Piaget postulated that no later stage without the full attainment of the former could achieve.

Piaget assumed that situations or tasks that all have the same logical structure, should solve by children the same age right. A problem begs the observation that the same structure is not in different subject areas realized in the same age. Piaget has identified this problem relatively quickly and coined the term "Lag" (horizontal shift) introduced, but he has not elaborated theory of this shift. Tasks with the same identical structure can solve by the children at different times in their development right. Therefore, it is that presumably the same services in different areas are not synchronizing developmentally. The expectation that all problems of the same structure can be resolved around the same time, corresponds to the gradual approach, but there is sometimes a shift of up to four stages. This approach of the stages referred to as stage ie a period in which the thinking and behavior a child is a specific mental basic structure reflects. (Piaget, 1995)

A stage is a structured whole in a state of equilibrium.

Each stage is clear from the preceding stage, integrates and transforms it and prepares the following before.

The stages form an invariant sequence.

The stages are universal.

Each stage progresses from becoming to being.

Sensorimotor stage

The stage of sensorimotor intelligence lasts from birth to two years. One wonders at the name of "intelligence" in this age but in the Piagetian perspective there is intelligence (practice) before but not the language of thought before the advent of the latter. Thus, from simple reflexes and habits, the sensorimotor stage leads to the construction of lines increasingly structured and complex. This stage characterized by the construction of the scheme (a form of knowledge, which treats of the real data and is likely to alter the accommodation to this reality), object permanence and the construction of near space (related the body spaces). (Piaget, 1972)

At later stages, the child reconstructed in thought and representation which it was acquired at the stage of sensorimotor intelligence.

Stage of the Pre-Conceptual or Symbolic Thought

(1, 6 / 2, 0 to 4; 0 years) at this stage can be thought in the sense internalized actions clearly demonstrate. The child is able to interact with images and symbols - Piaget calls the preconceptions - deal with it. So now, the child knows that a symbol can stand for an object. It also has a qualitative identity. The identity of an object, such as paper or clay remains the same even if it looks different due to deformation. (Lourenco, 2006)

The child learns as the basis for its future development in the period, the use of symbolic ...
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