Self Disclosure

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Self Disclosure

Self Disclosure


The Johari Window is a very popular and easily understood model of communication. The Johari Window is essentially an information processing model. The model employs a four-part figure to reflect the interaction of two sources of information - self and others. The squared field, representing the "interpersonal space," is partitioned into four "regions" with each region representing particular information-processing elements that have significance for the quality of relationships. Let us look at one of the regions for a better understanding of their implications as they relate to interpersonal process and communication (

The Arena

The Arena is the portion of the total interpersonal space devoted to mutual understanding and shared information. This known by the self - known by others facet of the relationship is thought to control interpersonal productivity. The assumption is that productivity and interpersonal effectiveness are directly related to the amount of mutually-held information. Therefore, the larger the arena becomes, the more rewarding, effective, and productive the relationship is apt to be.

The arena can be thought of as the place where good communication happens. One can increase the size of this region by increasing the amount of exposure and feedback seeking. (

Increasing the Size of the Arena

One can significantly influence the size of the Arena in relating to others by the behavioral processes you choose to use in your relationships. To the extent that you make others aware of relevant information which you have and they do not, you enlarge the Arena in a downward direction reducing the Facade. The process employed toward this end has been called by Luft and Ingham the Exposure process. It entails the open and candid expression of feelings and factual knowledge.

Yet it takes two to communicate and the other party must also expose in order for communication to be productive. Therefore, active solicitation by you of the information of others must also be employed. This process is known as Feedback Solicitation. As one solicates feedback, the Arena extends to the right reducing your Blindspot.

You can establish truly effective relationships if you will engage in optimum Exposure and Feedback solicitating behaviors. The fact is, you have the primary responsibility for the productivity of, and the interpersonal rewards which can be derived from, your relationships with others.

Teleometrics Materials Using the Johari Window

How large is your Arena? Do your co-workers and direct reports preceive that you have an open and candid communication style? These and other questions can be answered using instruments designed to give you awareness of your communication style while learning its impact on your effectiveness as a manager and leader.

Self disclosure and communication

To disclose or not to disclose?, That question usually comes when you start a new relationship with a friend, a boy friend, a new job or any new relationship, but disclosing can also happen with people we have known for a long time or not. Scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover, but I feel like each person ...
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