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Self Defense

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Self Defense

Self Defense


This research is founded on the secondary data. The research encompasses the publications, articles and similar studies accessible on the Internet. Keeping in view the approach taken in earlier studies the research began with a broad analysis of the existing literature. The findings & conclusions are based on the secondary data. The methodology used for the purpose of this research is based on the secondary data. This research is more or less based on the literature review & the conclusions are drawn on the basis of actual resources listed in the references.

The research approach used is qualitative. Libraries including online databases were accessed to get the most relevant and updated literature. Some of the online databases that were used are EBSCO, Emerald, Blackwell, etc. The main conclusive data are the result of a thorough analysis of the material found online. The research involved analyzing the news postings on the web over a phase of years. The approach employed was reading the abstract or body of each publication.

Secondary research has been performed through a number of sources, including libraries & the Internet. A number of libraries have been visited for gathering valuable data from textbooks & journals. The Internet is also considered to be a major tool in obtaining relevant information, leading to search for a number of articles in journals & newspapers from database. To prove the research hypothesis, a research has been conducted through a three-step process: construction of an item pool, validation of the items, & pilot testing of the items. Also, the data is be gathered through various sources out of which some is be on line while some is be on paper.

The main conclusive data is the result of a thorough analysis of the material found online. The research involved has analyzed the news postings on the web over a phase of years. The approach employed is reading the abstract or body of each publication. Qualitative research follows a shapeless and unrestricted answer from the respondent. To assemble the information for Qualitative type of research could be prepared by Interview.

Secondary Data

Secondary data as a form of data that has been composed by others for an entirely unusual or little similar to the research problem is defined. Some research questions can be responded only by secondary data but there are probable risks as those data were composed for a special function and can be prejudiced. Some dependable sources have been measured for the secondary information with that recommendation in mind. The online libraries have been visited to collect the data on the special issues of the Islamic banking and finance. The secondary data has been collected through the following sources that are:

EU and UK cases.

Global data taken from websites of respective data sources.

Information from recent past research publications, their opinion and proofs with facts quoted in the reports.


Criminal law has been designed to make sure that no person commits an act that is not accepted by the society and is ...
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