This study would not have been possible without the help and support of the people around me. I would like to thank my wife, and professors who contributed or expended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. This thesis would not have been possible without the help, support and patience of Dr. Courtney Carman, Harry Nimon, Richard Wells, and John Coale. Their advice and unsurpassed knowledge of intelligence, terrorism and counterterrorism has tremendously assisted me in writing my thesis. I would like to acknowledge the financial, academic and technical support of the Henley-Putnam University and its staff for their efforts.
I adjudge that the entire content of this dissertation is entirely my own work; the content used in this dissertation has not been submitted before in any educational institution and represents my own opinion.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
A. Problems4
Human trafficking5
Criminal Immigration5
Illegal immigrants6
B. Solutions7
Intelligence critical7
Better Training12
C. Recommendations14
Media Release19
Henley-Putnam University License Agreement21
Master's Thesis Task Force Members23
Introduction Of Thesis
Francis, (2008) challenges associated with border security are one of the greatest barriers in the prevention and intervention of human trafficking and related organized crime. The goal of border security is to know who is in our country and what they are doing here once they enter. Because many cases of human trafficking, illegal drugs, criminal immigrants have resulted from illegal entry into the United States, it is only logical that increased border security could likewise prevent opportunities for criminal networks and smaller groups of traffickers, immigrants to operate. Better strategies are needed beyond border security but authorities should continue to focus on new partnerships and new technological systems to advance data programs, biometrics systems so that the crime that occurs as a result of illegal traffic, drugs, immigrants can stop.
There is hope for America on this front. For example, recent partnerships between the United States government and Boeing Corporation as well as other recent developments have opened the door to improved technological assistance at the border Border detection systems are in the process of being designed to help detect persons prior to their entering the country such as systems which can detect individuals traveling through an underground cave in order to cross the border illegally. One of the main barriers of the current technological systems is the lack of integrating mechanisms which work together for detection. Integrating mechanisms can help border agents to get beyond the problem of detection and move agents toward the matter of apprehension. Consequently, through improved technology, many potential trafficking situations can be prevented or intercepted and stopped proactively at the border. Flynn, (2004) additional detection systems being developed by Boeing in partnership with the United States Department of Homeland Security include towers, radar, telescopes.
Benjamin (2002) states in the article the Strategic Plan needs to emphasis on securing the border and focus on enhancing capabilities against the highest threats. The security of the United States (U.S.) is still vulnerable, despite numerous ...