Secure Management

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Secure Management


We have heard few years back of transferring of huge data from offshore which include large financial records, social security numbers and health records. The major concern was that to save these records in any mean, because all these stuffs were confidential. There were evidences that some of the data had breached, leaked and abused. These criminal acts are covered under several laws such as United States foreign laws and lack of attention to these measures caused many questions to rise at that time.



Research Methodology5

Objectives of the Study5


Scope of the Study6




Policy and Organizational Risk10

Technical Risk10

Security and Compliance11

Data Loss11

Reliability and Availability11

Risk Assessment12


European Data Privacy laws12

Measures to prevent risks13

Information Technology Risk Management13

Trusted Cloud Computing Platform13

Cloud Switch13

Security Measures14

Multiple Locations14

Edge Networks14

Improved Timeline of Response15

Threat Management15

Cloud Computing Service Models15




Secure Management


American legislators and other law bodies are trying to close the gap legally in order to solve these issues, because these issues are serious. Many organizations are implementing methods with the help of Information Technology to close these gaps.

Technology is advancing every day. Each day bring new ideas, revolutions and inventions. Today, no house and organization, is without computer. Information Technology is playing a vital role in reshaping lives. As we all know, that internet is not used according to our choices. There are thousands of users connected globally at a time.

Research Methodology

There are two main data sources of researches primary and secondary. This methodology used both the primary and secondary sources. The resources of secondary data were easily available. In order to collect secondary data, researcher investigates articles that are found in the literature. The survey was carried at different places by different person who mentioned in this paper.

Objectives of the Study

To study the effect of transferring sensitive data offshore and securing implications of transferring the data from Europe to Unites States.

2. To study the factors of security implementation in order to protect the important data from being exposed.

Sample Design and Sample Size

As the survey is to understand the security measures in general management and operational management, the research was specifically designed for the technical people who work in security department.


Sample size was not large because it was not easy to meet management professionals. There are several statistical techniques implemented and conclusions have drawn.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study influences the security measures in general management in several countries and also revealed the impact of cost and security on organizations.


Cloud Computing is the latest form of technology which is known everywhere from a decade. Cloud Computing has made its value in the market, and today millions of users are interacted through cloud computing. Facebook is the latest example of Cloud Computing, which has thousands of servers in order to connect millions of users. The reason of choosing cloud computing is the expansion of business within a short time. Cloud computing is easily access by users, and it is one of the advantage of using cloud ...
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