Scrambled Eggs

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Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled Eggs


Scrambling eggs is easy and it is a tasty snack or meal. They are a good source of protein, making them even easier to eat. Many people have been eating eggs their whole lives and eat them regularly. Eggs are mainly associated with breakfast, but they are used for many other purposes as well. They are in cake mix and cookie dough, just to name a couple. Eggs can be cooked sunny side up, sunny side down, scrambled, or used in an omelet. A very popular method is scrambling them. This is a very easy process and can be done by following a few easy steps. (Kara, 1997)

Steps for scrambling eggs

First, the amount of eggs to be consumed must be determined. After this is done supplies need to be gathered. All that is needed to scramble eggs is a frying pan, butter, non-stick spray, salt, pepper, a spatula, a spoon, a bowl, a stove, milk, and of course the eggs. The butter, salt, pepper, and milk are all optional because all these ingredients do is add flavor. After all the ingredients and materials are obtained the process is ready to be started.

The first step is to set the frying pan on one of the burners of the stove top. Turn the heat on that same burner up halfway between medium and high. All stoves are different so the heat may vary slightly. After the pan is on the heated stove the next step is to grease the pan. Butter or non-stick cooking spray can be used for this. Anywhere from one half to one whole tablespoon of the butter can be used.

Then the eggs must be cracked and put into the bowl. A medium sized bowl will do just fine. Take on egg at ...
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