Scientific Communication

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Scientific Communication

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Scientific Communication


Nowadays, the media have expanded widely. Both the print media and electronic media are actively working to serve its viewers from a wide range of information. They have broken the barriers of limitations that keep the knowledge within the countries. Information is shared now around the globe. Scientific communication is also a part of this entire activity.

Science journalism is facing tough challenges today. The general public has a desire and a right to learn about new discoveries that are being made, and how they may affect their every day live. They rely on the source of science journalism to bring them this information. (Suhr.2008)

It is very important to communicate the information according to the conduct of ethics. The great responsibility lays on the authors and writers who transform the information and off course the scientific community as a whole who monitors it and share it with the general public. Scientific community, therefore, is the governing body that monitors the whole activity to ensure its authenticity on the scales of ethnicity.


Scientific Communication

Scientific communication is a multifaceted subject that is undergoing a philosophical transformation. It is a method that generally refers to universal media. They have the basic task to share the authentic and verified scientific information with the general public. Basically, they aim to share the information of science with non-scientists. (Odlyzko. 2001).

It has mixed up the experienced scientists who are called 'outreach' or 'popularization', but has developed into a professional field in its own right. Science exhibitions, science journalism, and science policy and science media production, are the activities that are included among other things.


It is the prime responsibility of the bodies to ensure that they are providing the actual information. It must be right and does not contain inappropriate material. Therefore, Ethics is also known as 'Moral Philosophy'. It is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and unethical behavior. Ethics consists of the standards of behavior that a society accepts. In other words, being ethical is doing what the law requires.

Scientific Communication from an Ethical Perspective

The ethics of scientific communication (authorship, plagiarism, acknowledgments, and credit), the moral role and responsibilities of scientists in communicating with other scientists (and the pressures not to do so), the conflict between scientific and public communication, the ethics of scientific style, and finally, some ethical consequences of the process of socialization are the constituents that are measured on the parameters of ethics. (Benos, 2005).

There are thousands of scientific journals that publish research articles. They are diversified journals and can be differentiated according to their field of specialization. (Carpi, Egger. 2008). There are few steps to follow in this whole mechanism before an article is issued to make sure that it has pursued the moral principles. The author is entitled to follow some responsibilities when he is drafting his piece of writing.

Responsibilities of an Author

The articles in scientific journals are not written by journalists, they are written by scientists. These journals are not published to entertain its booklover. These are written to share their findings to the society. Within the ...
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