Prior to the introduction of experimental preschool intervention programs in the late 1950's, the systematic change in early childhood programs has been minimal. This situation changed with the advent of early intervention programs for preschool children, including the launch of Head Start in 1965 and its continuation in the elementary grades in 1967, the project end. These two federal programs have propelled national search for early childhood education programs that will effectively prepare children from low-income families to succeed in school. Era was marked by systematic comparisons between the growing arrays of new models of curriculum. Interest waned in late 1970 and early 1980's, however, as research has shown a limited impact differential of different models on children's learning achievement.
Interest in comparing the effectiveness of program models has emerged in late 1980. Issues of Education 4 years of age, the efforts of national organizations to determine the appropriate educational practices for young children, and the results of a longitudinal study that challenged earlier conclusions that the various training programs do not contribute to different results have helped revive interest in the child (Powell, 1987). However, as the demand for child care and worries about its impact intensified in response to the growing female labor force participation, interest in the differences between the early childhood program models have decreased again.
Using the early childhood curriculum models on the rise again, what kind of growth in state programs funded prekindergarten. This revival can be attributed, at least four areas: (1) galvanizing power of the Millennium in 2000 and his first goal of education that all children arrive at school ready to learn, (2) increasing concern about the underachievement of children with low family (3) state policy responses to the results of neuroscience on early brain development, and (4) widely documented evidence of general low quality of center-based child and family care. Well-studied models of educational programs are currently assigned to the school districts and state officials as a means to ensure reliable quality early childhood programs, to deliver consistent results of the child and to ensure accountability of public investment in preschool education, especially for 3 - and 4-year-old age (Goffin & Wilson, 2001).
Types Of Early Childhood Curriculum Models
The term model curriculum refers to the conceptual framework and organizational structure for making decisions about educational priorities, administrative policies, teaching methods and assessment criteria. Although they differ in their basic premises, curriculum models provide a clear framework to guide the implementation and evaluation.
A wide range of training programs early childhood models exist, but little is known about the number of early childhood program models currently in use or the number of early childhood programs that use them. Early models of children's educational programs are most often used in center-based settings to provide half-day and full day programs. They are used in public schools, Head Start, and community programs. In accordance with their origin, curriculum models are most often used in programs serving children from low income ...