Schizophrenia And Psychosis

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Schizophrenia and Psychosis


Schizophrenia and Psychosis

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Schizophrenia is a psychiatric diagnosis in people with a group of mental disorders, chronic and severe, characterized by alterations in the perception or expression of reality (Castle, 2009) (Castle, 2009).

Not a single symptom can reasonably identify this disease. The indications of this disease might be found in additional psychological sicknesses as well. As a case in point, psychopathic indications may be reasoned as a cause of using illegitimate medicines as well, and it could also be found in patients of Alzheimer's disease (Castle, 2009) (Castle, 2009).

Reduction of symptoms and their impact psycho-bio-social through the use of medical resources (psychopharmacological), psychological (individual psychotherapy and / or family) and social (community resources all in an integrated manner

Reduction and / or modification of dysfunctional personal assumptions and cognitive distortions to the base of the subject's cognitive deficits

Development of skills and social skills that allow the subject to a more integrated life socially and more autonomous


The term psychosis medical myself psychiatric mental situations where there is a defect in a component of the process of logical thinking and rational thought perception. People suffering from psychosis may be subject to bouts of hallucination hallucinations, and adherence to the beliefs of utopian delusional beliefs

Confused thoughts;

feel their thoughts have sped up or slowed down;

bizarre preoccupations;

impression that others can influence their thoughts, or it can control the thoughts of others;

hearing voices or seeing visions that others can not perceive;

feel "different";

unusual behaviour

Presence of 2 to 5 psychotic symptoms (delusions enough or auditory hallucinations that comment)

Dysfunction compared to the previous level in psychosocial functioning

Lasting at least 6 months of symptoms or 1 month of active phase

Exclusion of schizoaffective disorder or mood disorder

Exclusion of substance use or medical condition

Exclusion of relationship with pervasive developmental disorder

Schizophrenia and Psychosis


Schizophrenia is a growing problem in the society all around the world. Until the mid-twentieth century a large proportion of people classified as mentally ill and admitted to mental hospitals are really suffering from physical ailments such as epilepsy and brain tumors. Now researchers are learning about the biological origin of much schizophrenia such as schizophrenia, autism and alcoholism. Schizophrenia to cause serious social problems is most severe form of schizophrenia, such as those that threaten the social order as a sociopath who becomes a serial killer. The number of individuals in society with these disorders is small, but they constitute a serious social problem because they are so violent and irrational (Dickerson, 2000).

Schizophrenia Disorder

A disease named as “Schizophrenia”, is known to have a severe & exigent remedial sickness, an illness that has affected fine above two million US grown-ups, and it contributes to the one percent of the citizens who are 18 and above. Despite the fact that this illness is usually misapprehended and fearful, it is actually a curable illness (Goldner, 2008).

This illness frequently impede with an individual's capability to think rationally being clear minded, to differentiate between veracity and flight of imagination, to have a suffice emotional control, to craft an unbiased judgment and taking a ...
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