Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that manifests in each person through a different set of problems. Among the serious and chronic psychiatric disorders include schizophrenia, manic depressive disorder, recurrent major depression, paranoid disorders, brain syndromes, organic and other psychoses, and other personality disorders that hinder and prevent the development of functional abilities in relation to the basic aspects of life. The crucial need of managing the disease can be assessed by the fact that the affected families and communities have difficulty in dealing with everyday life, whether to work or care themselves; so they need a permanent to help of others (Mueser & Gingerich, 2006).
The indications of this disease might be found in additional psychological sicknesses as well. As a case in point, psychopathic indications may be reasoned as a cause of using illegitimate medicines as well, and it could also be found in patients of Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder include positive symptoms for example hallucinations or delusions, disorganized speech. The negative symptoms are the flat affect or poverty of speech, and impairments in cognition including memory, attention, and executive functions. Today there is no remedy for schizophrenic disorder, but available treatments can help check the indications. With proper intervention people with schizophrenic disorder can live a dynamic and satisfying life. This helps the affected people to work, attend school, live with their families (Castle et al., 2009).
Description of Schizophrenia from Medical Perspective
People with schizophrenia may display, for demonstration, a broad blend of psychotic symptoms, disorganized demeanor, and shortfalls in motivation and emotional expression. People with schizophrenia may furthermore display a kind of cognitive disorders. All these symptoms hinder with every day functioning of the communal and expert rights. Signs and symptoms of schizophrenia often emerge and go away in time and circumstances (Desfosses & Potvin, 2010). Some persons with schizophrenia, for demonstration, there are time span of time to believe apparently and can work in the community, and in other situations, his considering and talk are not apparently characterized, and can misplace feelings with truth and requirement for psychiatric hospitalization. In other situations, the symptoms of refractory and critical sufficient originate chronic malfunction and violation of rudimentary life (Castle et al., 2009).
Symptoms may be difficult to detect until an advanced phase of the disease. However the association of three psychopathological dimensions core is often found:
Processing or delusional distortion of reality, expressed by experienced and delusional hallucination;
The emotional impoverishment and ideo-affective manifested by symptoms such as apathy, retirement, reduction or absence of the ability of affective modulation of thought;
Disorganization of thought disorder, formal ideation, language and disruption conduct.
The disease generally progresses with relapse of acute psychosis in the early years and then stabilizes with residual symptoms of varying intensity depending on the subject. The prognosis depends mainly upon the quality of psychosocial support, access to care and adherence to supported proposed. Antipsychotics “classical narcoleptics” have revolutionized the development of schizophrenia by improving the patients' clinical status and reducing relapse rates (Liberman et ...