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Sarcoidosis is a rare disease that results from inflammation. Ninety percent of the cases of sarcoidosis are found in the lungs, but it can occur in almost any organ. It causes small lumps, or granulomas, which generally heal and disappear on their own. However, for those granulomas that do not heal, the tissue can remain inflamed and become scarred, or fibrotic.

Pulmonary sarcoidosis can develop into pulmonary fibrosis, which distorts the structure of the lungs and can interfere with breathing. Bronchiectasis, a lung disease in which pockets form in the air tubes of the lung and become sites for infection, can also occur.

Most sarcoidosis patients do not exhibit symptoms and probably are unaware they have the disease. Pulmonary sarcoidosis can cause loss of lung volume (the amount of air the lungs can hold) and abnormal lung stiffness.

The following are the most common symptoms for sarcoidosis. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

shortness of breath

cough that will not go away

skin rashes on face, arms, or shins

inflammation of the eyes

weight loss


night sweats


routine chest x ray, nodules can be seen in sarcoidosis disease

The symptoms of sarcoidosis may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Consult your physician for a diagnosis. Sarcoidosis occurs in all races and both genders, but the most susceptible populations seem to be of African-American, Scandinavian, German, Irish, or Puerto Rican origin.

Diagnosis of sarcoidosis:

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnostic procedures may include:

chest x-ray - a diagnostic test which uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film.

pulmonary function tests - diagnostic tests that help to measure the lungs' ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide appropriately. The tests are usually performed with special machines that the person must breathe into.

blood tests - to analyze the amount of ...
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