Sample Rate Conversion

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Sample Rate Conversion

Critical Analysis of Sample Rate Conversion

Critical Analysis of Sample Rate Conversion

One of the key steps for developing the proposed system is the digital analogue conversion. For the realization of this stage are used digital analogue converters, ADC by its acronym in English (Analogue Digital Converter). To explain the function of these devices, it is necessary to address the issue from its roots, explaining what the difference between the analogue and digitally.

The term analogue we can define, in short, like all measures or magnitudes which vary continuously, for example, temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer, when it rises to 34 ° C 35 ° C. The measurement of this thermometer goes through all the points that exist in this range, i.e., passes through an infinite number of temperature values, though our visual limitations or the limitations of the device, maybe we can perceive only tenths or hundredths of degrees Celsius.

On the other hand we have the digital word, as its name implies, comes from digit, which we understand about our fingers. This term was used because the fingers can only count and discrete exact amounts. Unlike analogue measurements, the digital measurements vary in amounts that have a finite number of decimal places. Put another way, the digital numbers are hopping to move from one measure to another, and the jumps it takes to get from one point to another, defined as whole numbers and accounting. For example, a digital clock in a given time will be marking 22 seconds, and a second later will jump and will mark 23 seconds, and so on with changes discrete one second.

From the above we can deduce that the electronic analogue is in charge of the device where the voltage and current vary continuously, but the analogue data are very difficult to store, manipulate, compare, calculate, and retrieve exactly when these have been saved. Furthermore digital electronics handles the devices where the voltage and current are taken into discrete values, and have the information digitally. The information is processed with the digital electronics can be stored, manipulated, transmitted and perform many tasks digitally at high speed and in large quantities. This is for digital computers currently employ. However, may wonder why if digital technology has many advantages on analogue technology, do not replace all analogue to digital? The answer is very simple, the world is analogue, and all that is in the nature is analogue, so we always have to live with the analogue technology.

Thus we can say that the digital analogue conversion performs when processed electrical signals continuous information digital data. This conversion is performed by an ADC, which operation described below.

2.2 Analogue to Digital Converter

Referring to the previous section understand that the input signal a converter is a continuous signal (voltage) which is converted into a number n number of binary bits (discrete voltage values) to be manipulated easily by a digital device, in our case, an FPGA.

The manner in which operates an ADC is ...
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