Question 1: A definition of your chosen sector by size and competitive structure. If applicable, identify the major strategic grouping(s) and the one you have selected for study. Assess the current marketing environment of this group.
The sector chosen in this paper is the airline industry of UK. Frequency of air transport is directly dependent on the level of the economy. In developed countries in Europe, according to NIIEAP, the frequency of use of air transport lies in the range 0,8-1,1 flight a year per capita in the UK - up to 1,8-2,0 flight a year in developing countries - in the range 0,05-0,5 flight per year. In the USSR, at the expense of state regulation of tariffs for air services, frequency of use of air is maintained at about 0.6 flights per year. This is in the context of a general economic downturn in UK in 1991-96. reduction of approximately twice the total GDP of the country, liberalization of prices, including fuel, and an end to government regulation of tariffs for air services has led to a significant reduction in the frequency of use of air transport (up 0.2 flights per year per capita in 1996-97.). The share of air transport in domestic passenger traffic declined by 15%, while at the same time, in connection with the development of international relations, passengers on international flights increased and reached to 1997, more than 35% of total passenger traffic by air transport (in 1990 - about 12%). Cargo air transportation in UK with the transition to a market economy has also declined - from 2.7 billion ton-kilometres per year in 1990 to about 2 billion ton-kilometres in 1995-96. for some growth trends in 1997-99. (Up to 2,2-2,4 billion ton-kilometres), mainly - due to the growth of international traffic and transportation in the CIS, British airlines. In the period since 1990, significantly reduce the work of civil aviation helicopters, dropped an easy to use, agricultural and air ambulance (Aitchison 2003 34). Up to 70-75% of light aircraft for local airlines, agriculture, health, departmental aviation idle.
Key Performance Indicators in 1997-98.
Civil aircraft of the British Federation
Number of staff, th. People.
Number of operated aircraft
Including foreign
Domestic new-generation
Number of commercial air carriers
Number of Civil Airports
Number of enterprises use of airspace and air traffic control
Number of aircraft repair plants
Number of Aircraft technical bases
More than 240
Marketing Environment of Airline Industry
“Every business understands that it charges far less to contain on to a clientele than to come by a new one” (Gokey, 2002). As the financial airline commerce is altering at a fast stride, Airline industry (CA) is faced with the dispute of consigning expanded worth inside leaner buyer budgets. According to Plunkett Research Online, journey commerce expenditures are declining and e-commerce is step-by-step restoring numerous jobs (Czepiel 2002 ...