The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a turning point in human history, and it is the likely future historians will call it the greatest event of the XX century. Some has celebrated the Russian Revolution as a historical milestone in the liberation of humanity from the oppression of others - as a crime to curse and disaster. The Russian Revolution was the first open challenge to the capitalist system, which in Europe by the end of the century. The revolution broke out in the midst of World War I, and it was partly the result is hardly a coincidence. The war dealt a crushing blow to the international capitalist system, established in 1914, and laid bare its internal instability. Revolution can be viewed as both a consequence and a cause of the decline of capitalism (Richard, 2008, 14). While the revolution in 1917 had a wide international significance, it is rooted in the specific Russian conditions. For the impressive façade, of the tsarist autocracy concealed stagnant agrarian economy, which since the emancipation of the serfs was achieved only very minor successes, the hungry and discontent of the peasantry. Since the 60s of XIX century in Russia, a terrorist group, there were periodic bursts of violence and repression.
The Czar did not know rule
Unequal distribution of land
Restriction on political charges
Defeat against Japan
Discontent of the People
Economic Crisis
Revolution of 1905
Revolution of 1917
February Revolution
October Revolution
Revolution of 1905
January: Sunday sangriendo in St. Petersburg
June: Rise of the battleship Potemkinen in Odessa on the Black Sea
October: 'General Strike. Is formed Soviet Petogrado
Imperial Agreement. October Manifesto
Revolution of 1917
January: Strikes and riots in San PtBurgo
February: February-Revolution
The troops refused to fire on protesters
March: The Czar abdicated and the Duma is formed
June: Lenin returns to Russia
October:-Start the October Revolution
Emergence of Socialism
Surge the USSR
Civil War in Russia
Communist Party is formed
Russia gives support to all countries who want independence from the monarchy
The Revolution can distinguish two phases:
The February Revolution of 1917, is the second bourgeois democratic revolution in Russia. The cause of the blast was the great loss of lives in World War I (6 to 8 million dead, wounded and prisoners), hunger and economic chaos. The February Revolution returned to Petrograd from Siberia, and the exile of many of the foreign autocracy declared outlaw revolutionaries. Strikes and demonstrations began on 9 January to 25 February was widespread, the members of the military uprisings were constant and led to the abdication of Nicholas II and a provisional government was installed in front of Prince Lvov and later Kerensky which granted a general amnesty, arrested the royal family, ruled the 8-hour workday, the independence of Poland and the abolition of the death penalty. The first was called February Revolution of 1917, which displaced the autocracy of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the last of the story, and he intended to set in place a liberal republic (Richard, 2007, 28). The first Russian revolution in 1905 was involved different sectors of ...