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Smoking is a serious issue and most of the smokers believe that by smoking they are damaging their own health only. However, they are actually unaware that by smoking they are causing damages and harms to the overall environment as well as themselves. Smoking is thus termed as serious and deadly issue that is also referred as a disease as well. Water pollution, air pollution and land pollution are the three major issues that do need attention and are seriously affected by this issue. Along with this, smoking is injurious to healthcare and it affects every environment in which people works. Same is the case with the environment in which I work as well (Miller, 2008, p.624).

Smoking is injurious to health because it further moves the smoker towards numerous other diseases. Along with diabetes, macro vascular as well as micro vascular diseases are more present in smokers and it further generates increasingly harmful outcomes as well (Eysenck, 1991, p.130).

The rationale for prohibition of smoking is that even though smoking is no doubt optional, however breathing in second hand smoke is not. This is the reason why it should be banned in order to make lives of people much easier, safe as well as protected. From numerous researches it has been observed that smoking can cause alarming damages and it can further escalate into further harmful diseases that can in future generate fatalistic outcomes.


In order to stop the increasing rate of smoking, numerous steps should be taken by every government in every state. They should address this issue firmly. In order to stop smoking, smoking should be banned in all public or non public places and for this purpose some serious steps should be taken accordingly. As per one of a latest research, the researcher states that smoking can only be banned if the government takes it as a serious threat and for this proposes proper rules and regulations that should be maintained (Gaw & Shepherd, 1999, p.60).

In working environment, smoking is a serious matter and numerous workers really feel uncomfortable because it results in negative outcomes. As per rules and regulations as stated by the law, proper strategies should be worked out and this issue should be properly addressed as well. Negative outcomes of smoking should be properly highlighted so that people are aware of the harmful effects of smoking and how it is affecting the health of people.

In short, smoking affects working environment and in hospitals patients get seriously affected from this concern. Therefore, concrete measures should be taken at proper times in order to avoid further alarming issues and to make the overall society healthy.


Proper and detailed strategies if used properly can result in positive outcomes. In order to negate the risk that is related to smoking, one of the most important thing is to see whether this given package will actually work and how it will help in generating effective outcomes. The mentioned package as stated in appendix is one of a very ...
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