Complex marketing or marketing-mix can be defined as a set of controllable marketing variables, the aggregate of which the company uses in an attempt to cause a desired response from the target market. The function of the marketing mix is to form a set (mix), which not only satisfy the needs of potential clients in target markets, but also to maximize the effectiveness of the organization. Thus, the concept of marketing mix determined a set of basic marketing tools that are included in the program of marketing: product policy (product), marketing policy (place), pricing (price), the communication policy or promotion (Melewar & Saunders, 2000, pp. 538-550).
The chosen organization for this scenario is Britsih Airways. In the following strategies the crux of the strategies will be developed in accordance to the Marketing Mix. Moreover, how British Airways are implementing these strategies will be analyzed.
AC 3.1 Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage
The service and product and understanding of the dimensions of which is made is critical to the success of any organization's marketing services. As with goods, customers are demanding benefits and satisfactions of service products. The services are purchased and used for the benefits they offer, satisfying the needs.
Seen as a product service requires consideration of the range of services offered, their quality and the level at which it is delivered. You also need to pay attention to things like the use of brands, guarantees and after-sales services. The combination of service products of these elements may vary considerably depending on the type of services provided (Naik & Winer, 2005, pp. 25-34).
Clarification, elaboration and translation of the concept of consumer benefit several problems for British Airways and their services. First, the services they offer are based on the needs and benefits sought by consumers and users. But consumers and users can be clear or not about what they need, expressed or not expressed clearly in the announced requirements. Difficulties may arise because they do not know what to expect, to the inexperience of what is required or the inability to determine need. Second, the benefits sought can change over time due to good or bad experiences in the use of the service, through new expectations or changes in consumer habits of the service. Third, there are practical problems of assessment for service providers to derive measures based on the consumer about the importance of the benefits sought in services, including preferences and changes in its importance.
AC 3.2 Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience
All organizations, whether they produce tangible or intangible, have an interest in decisions on the square (also called channel, site, delivery, distribution, location or coverage). That is, how available to users of tenders and made accessible to them. The square is an element of the marketing mix has received little attention in or related to the services because it has always been treated as relative to movement of physical ...