Language is important part of everyone's life as it is our communication tool. Today in our full-speed improving and changing world, nations have to communicate with each other. I will discuss about learning a new language and importance of grammar and culture in learning a new language. In last I will address some benefits of learning a new language.
Importance of Grammar in learning a new Language
Learning a new language is a process which requires the development of multiple abilities such as writing, speaking, listening and reading. There is a large number of second language learners who consider that learning a foreign language should focus on speaking and/or writing more than grammar. However I personally believe learning grammar is as important as developing other skills when acquiring a second language. Researches show that the more amount of time dedicated to language study (grammar), the more there is language proficiency among students (Curtain & Pesola, 1988)
Opponents of learning grammar claim that teaching grammar is unnecessary. Even though some educators and learners agree with the previous statement, it is important to take into consideration one of the bases of cognitive learning to rebut that idea. In language learning one of the essentials abilities a student has to learn in order to get a good command of a foreign language is learning grammar. It is impossible to get a good command of speaking, one of the most complex stages, if learners do not have a good command of the basics: the grammar.
The final argument advanced by opponents of learning grammar is that it is unnecessary to focus on grammar because native speakers do not use it correctly when they speak and write. Nevertheless, opponents do not take into consideration that speaking and writing imply the good command of grammar in order to improve it upon to get a better command of the language. What is more, a grammatical error could change the meaning and create a bad impression in daily situations.
It is evident that opponents of learning grammar do not have strong arguments because, as shown by my earlier arguments, it is obvious that grammar is important and is critical for developing other language skills such as speaking, listening, writing and reading. Therefore, in order to get a perfect command of a foreign language, learning grammar should be considered essential in ...