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Runner Head: Accuracy Of Product Information
determination Of The Accuracy Of Product Information Associated With The Concentration Of Trace Elements In Mineral Supplements
Determination of the Accuracy of Product Information Associated With the Concentration of Trace Elements in Mineral Supplements
I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
Determination of the Accuracy of Product Information Associated With the Concentration of Trace Elements in Mineral Supplements
Dietary supplement use in the United States (U.S.) is high. At least 50% of people said that they used dietary supplements (Millen et al, 2004; Radimer et al, 2004). Sales of dietary supplements in 2005, more than $ 20 billion (Anonymous, 2006). Nevertheless, questions still remain about the quality, efficacy and safety of certain food additives. To assess the health impact of these products, you need to document and quantify dietary intake of supplements, and for this purpose, the composition of dietary supplements should be known (Dwyer et al., 2003).
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) in 1994 defined dietary supplements and established a framework for their regulation as foods, including rules for the content of dietary supplement labels and require good manufacturing practices for supplements. The law does not include mandatory registration or certification Chion-food ingredients content additions, as required for the purpose of medicinal products in the U.S.. Complete definition of dietary supplements can be found in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Home (FDA, 2007). Determining what should be included in the database dietary supplements depends not only on legal definitions, but definitions of consumer, consumers may be confused termin''BAD''s similar products, such as meal replacement used to reduce the diet, or other purposes, and and oral nutritional supplements, such as providing, Suplenas, and others that are sold for medicinal purposes.
DSHEA also established the Office of Food Additives-ments (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The purpose of ODS is to promote quality of life and health of the U.S. population by strengthening the knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements through the evalua-tion of scientific information, supporting research, DIS-semination of research results, education and community. Three key components of its mission, assessing the quality, safety and efficacy of dietary supplements, as described in its strategic plan (ODS, 2004).
This article focuses on the current state of development of national labels and analytical database on the composition of dietary supplements in the United States, update previous reports on the work of ODS and its partners in federal agencies (Dwyer et al., 2006). This work is important to study the relationship of dietary Supplement Health. In addition, vital to public health, such as documentation of the population intake of nutrients and other bioactive components from all sources, including nutritional supplements, and ensure that consumption is neither excessive nor disadvantages. The ultimate goal is to obtain quantitative estimates of biologically active ingredients in dietary supplements, to assess the variability and / or possible bias in these values for them and for her support of one or several online databases for dietary supplements.
Progress in chemical testing Dietary Supplement Ingredient ...