This paper examines the overall business activities of Royal Bank of Scotland, particularly the acquisition of NatWest Bank, to make some conclusions on the management of the integration of previously separate companies. Upon receipt of NatWest in 2000, RBS launched a major program of integration in the profitability of savings and income, which they promised to capital markets during the capture rate. The idea of "semi-structures", as an approach to managing major change gives theoretical perspectives from which to analyze the events. As a result, the narrative has implications may be useful for those managing large acquisitions.
Company Overview
Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) is a holding company of one of the world's largest banking and financial services groups. The group operates in the UK, U.S. and internationally through its two principal subsidiaries, Royal Bank and NatWest. The U.S. group operates through its subsidiary Citizens. It is headquartered in edinburgh, United Kingdom, and employs about 233,600 people.
The group recorded revenues of £ 31, 115 million during the fiscal year ended in December 2007, an increase of 11.1% compared to 2007. Net profit of £ 7549 million in fiscal year 2007, an increase of 18.1% compared with 2006.
Description Of Business
Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) is a diversified financial services group involved in banking and financial activities in the UK, europe, USA and Asia. RBS operates through ten main divisions: retail, banking and global markets, insurance RBS, the UK legal entities, citizens, RFS Holdings minorities, Ulster Bank, asset management, RFS Holdings with the exception of minority and production.
Retail segment operates in accordance with the Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest retail brands. Royal Bank of Scotland retail bank operates 650 branch network and a strong net work of 1700 ATMs across the UK. NatWest operates 1,640 retail banking offices in the NatWest branch network, and 3400 ATMs. In the segment offers a wide range of banking products and related financial services to personal, premium and small business markets across several distribution channels. In the main retail banking, the Group offers products through personal and small business markets, including money transfer, savings, loans, mortgages and insurance. Retail also includes a group of non-branch based retail businesses that issue a wide range of credit and charge cards to personal and corporate clients, as well as card processing services for retail business.
Global banking and markets (GBM) is a leading banking partner for corporations and financial institutions worldwide, providing debt financing, risk management and investment services for its customers. GBM has relationships with major UK, european and U.S. corporations and institutions. GBM main activities in the United States through RBS Greenwich Capital (RBSGC). RBSGC is one of the leading institutional fixed income firm providing the full range of debt capital markets services for clients seeking to raise capital and those seeking to invest it. RBSGC established a significant presence in the United States, credit, foreign exchange markets ...