Roman Republic

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Rise of the Roman Republic

Rise of the Roman Republic


The post Republican period of the old roman civilization was the Roman Empire. It had a form of government that was autocratic, and had large territorial holding around the Mediterranean and Europe. The term was used during Agustus' time, who was the first Roman Empire. Several civil wars subverted and weakened the five hundred old Roman Republic. The transition of the Republic to Empire is commonly under credit to several events including the Roman Senate's granting to Octavian, the Battle of Actium, and Julius Caesar's appointment as perpetual dictator. In the days of the republic, Roman expansion began, but it was under Emperor Trajan that the Empire reached its greatest extent (Abbott, 1901).

Approximately 6.5 million km were under the control of the Roman Empire during Trajan's reign. The culture and institutions of Rome had a profound and lasting influence on the development of philosophy, religion, law, forms of government, language, and architecture in the territory it governed, which included throughout the modern world through Europe, including the control of the Italian Peninsula and the ability to expand out into the Mediterranean lands.

The rise of the Roman Republic and include a description of the role changes of the patrician and plebeian classes of society

The patricians and the plebs had the broadest division between them, as the former whose ancestry have traces to the first Senate established by Romulus and is shroud under mythical origins, while the later mad the remaining of all the citizens. Only to patricians were all government offices open, and no intermarry under approval between classes. In the last 297 BC, the plebs secedes from the city on three occasions after a series of social struggles until the meeting of their demands. The creation of office of tribune of ...
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