The media - the most important public institutions in the context of modern civilization (television, press, radio, book publishing, computer, etc.), the purpose of the operation which is technically a collection, processing and dissemination of information on a massive scale, throughout society. This activity involves a large audience, as a rule, more or less dispersed in space, fast and regular dissemination of information, in fact, the simultaneous existence of mediated, "use" a degree of standardization, stereotyping. Distribution of the mass media - has become a modern civilization has no alternative, an essential tool and a form of communication between people all over pre-emptive spiritual, interpersonal communication directly. It is assumed that attributive quality of modern media means should be interactive, two-sided nature of the exchange generalizations within society, however, this interactivity is becoming now more and more formal, conventional, illusory, giving way to a "one-pointed ness" of the information flow and its influence on the masses of people. Today, more and more media activity related to active promotion, advertising. It designed to attract to anything or anyone massive attention, ideological and political, economic, advertising is becoming more intrusive, all-out, aggressive even dangerous to the intellectual parameters of the society for their socio-psychological, spiritual "health" is essentially "replacing" is information itself. (John, 2007, pp. 70-72)
Central to the phenomenon of mass media is, of course, information. Usually try to present information as a process of transmission of any messages, information between the transmitting and receiving systems, which leads to changes in the last, in this connection, information processes are considered primarily as a form of regular communication activities. Now it is obvious that this approach is completely inadequate, for, in particular, raises questions about the dual, contradictory nature of the information, its completeness, credibility, reliability, validity, value, usability, etc. To all these questions is no, not only compelling, comprehensive answers, would satisfy all "consumers" of information relevant to their interests, strengthen public stability, stability - but, conversely, is born an increasing number of new problems, anxieties and fears, wearing more versatile , global, nature.
Information is the "root" concept not only for all media, in general, and for television, in particular, and especially (television, no doubt, in the "quantitative" and "qualitative" relationship is now the most important, "primary", consisting of all the media, so we are often in this paper will refer specifically to it), but for a new modern civilization (that civilization, as in the first place, "technical comfort, hostile culture today, as never before, organically," akin to "a global system of world TV), not by accident known as "information". TV and "successful" of all, above all, distribute, communicate to the consumer one way or other information, a new era, a civilization, a new global community and all political institutions of information not only unites, strengthens, but also - and they do. (Rogers 2007, pp. 393-472)
However, it should be noted that, despite the global distribution, "ontological", the phenomenon itself, the ...