Role Of New Institutionalism

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Role of New Institutionalism in Comparative Public Policy

Role of New Institutionalism in Comparative Public Policy


The main purpose of this paper is to make discussion on the role of new institutionalism in comparative public policy. The paper discusses that what the impact of new institutionalism is on the comparative public policy. In terms of comparative and public policies, the new institutionalism agenda has a significant importance. It has got the considerations as the most successful model.


In this paper, we do not make the research and discussions on the successful achievements of institutionalism; rather, this paper makes discussion on the role of institutionalism on the comparative and public policies. In terms of discussing the role of institutionalism in comparative and public policy, there are many factors that can be considered and appraised (Ashford, 1978).

As an argument on the role of institutionalism on comparative and public policy, the paper discusses the four major drawbacks of the institutionalism in terms of public and comparative policy. These drawbacks show that how the theory of institutionalism has its implications in the analytical society (Wilding, 1992).

The concept of institutionalism has failed in order to keep in compliance with the alleged methodological and analytical novelties. This happens when its supporters tried to get on the comparative analysis, and try to make an explanation of that policy. In order to discuss the role of institutionalism on the comparative and public policies, we discuss the drawbacks because drawbacks tell mistakes of the entire theory. The drawbacks give a complete overview of the destructions made by institutionalism on the comparative and public policy analysis. The theories based on the institutionalism have a sound impact on the comparative and public policies. Since the decades, it has a strong influence on the key issues of comparative and public policies (Thoenig, 2000). This has its applications on the different policies including the comparative, public and political policies.

Institutionalism helps in detecting and figuring out the reason that what are the different ways through which the political institutions take a decisive role in the wrong situations?

The institutionalism argument is one of the lines of inquiry that attempts to explain the emergence of nationalist mobilization in the late Soviet period. Institutionalism explanations prioritize the idea that the territorial qua institutional organization of the Soviet state played a central role in influencing the development of distinct national identities (Reich, 2000). The territorial exclusivity granted to national minorities, in association with the policy of korenizatsiya, led to the inherent linking of the Soviet policies of state building and nation building (Pierson, 1994). Nations had close connections to their designated territory, thanks to the fact that titular ethnic groups had preferential treatment in republic institutions.

At the same time, the national groups had integrated into the Soviet state, by had an association with institutions of state power, such as the Communist party and the federal educational system (Landman, 2003). Despite the apparent contradiction, of constructing distinct national identities in a multinational state, because the nation had posited ...
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