Role Of Knowledge Sharing In Bringing Harmony In Policies In Various Branches Of An Organization

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[Role of knowledge sharing in bringing harmony in policies in various branches of an organization]



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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Knowledge sharing” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Knowledge sharing” and its relation with “Hospitality industry”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Knowledge sharing” and tries to gauge its effect on “Hospitality industry”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Knowledge sharing” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Knowledge sharing” on “Hospitality industry”.

Table of Contents


Background of the study11

Problem Statement12

Research Aims and Objectives12

Significance of the Study12


Theoretical framework13

Limitations and Reflection42

Literature selection criteria43

Keywords used43





Chapter 1: Introduction

Brand refers to a set of ideas and images that one associates with a particular company, product or service. Though many associate brand with logos and tag line, in reality it has a wider dimension than that and includes the main essence of what a company has to offer its customers. Richards, Foster, & Morgan (1998) have stated brand as “a part of our lives, where its personality represents a promise, a set of values that are supported by benefits, features and functions that deliver that promise.”

Maintaining a particular brand standard is of great significance when it comes to any chain companies especially in the hospitality industry, for example Holiday Inn, TGIF, Starbucks, Marriott and so on. Hospitality industry mainly includes hotels and restaurants where we find many of the outlets have several branches. The organization in this case has to assure that they provide the same standard of services in all their branches across the world's a result of which it becomes imperative for organizations to constantly inform their employees about new developments and keep them updated, which requires sharing of the same information (knowledge) throughout all branches. This research will inquire how knowledge is shared and transferred in such organization in order to formulate and implement similar policies in all the branches of the organization.

Three main objectives of the research are:

To inquire how chain companies in the hospitality industry ensure that their brand philosophy is perpetuated and maintained across the organization?

How knowledge is shared and transferred in order to formulate policies.

What does the management do to keep up with this constant implementation of changing patterns?

I have selected this topic because it is concerned with both KM and management of change and also because conducting this research will give me an insight into how hospitality industry functions. It will also bring out how things ...
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