Role Of Information Technology In Global Banking And Finance

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Role of Information Technology in Global Banking and Finance

Role of Information Technology in Global Banking and Finance


The role of technology in every field is increasing day by day. With the advent of this concept, there have been many changes in way businesses are done and the way in which people work. It has positively influenced the way of working of people and has helped them in managing their work efficiently and effectively. With this, the role of information technology can be assessed in the field of global banking and finance, as well. It is important for the people to make sure that they integrate and implement technology in this field so that they can make the most of this technology. With the increasing importance of the concept of information technology, it is important to study its role in the field of banking and finance all over the world. This will help in knowing as to how effective this strategy is for the business.

Scope and Aims of the Proposed Project

It is important for the researcher to understand the scope and aims of the project. The research is intended to find more about the role of information technology in the field of global banking and finance. The scope of this project is huge as the concept of information technology is very common. It has helped the banks worldwide to work in a manner that is in accordance with the different approaches used by information technology. Different techniques are used for the proper implementation of information technology in this business that will benefit the operations.

The researcher will aim to find the following:

The performance of the banks after the implementation of information technology.

The difference in the efficiency of the employees'.

The performance of the banks after the implementation of information technology and in what ways has it impacted the profits of the banks.

Intended Approach

In this research primary data will be used. Quantitative data collection methods could provide the necessary thematic body of opinions, as they are considered to answer the research questions. The benefit of this research method is that it provides valid and reliable data. With the help of primary data, authenticity can be ensured which will help the researcher in answering the research questions in an appropriate manner and also achieving the aims of the research. With the help of quantitative data, the statistics data are easily obtained by use of statistic formula. ...
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