The role of adolescence in the United States and China
The role of adolescence in the United States and China
The Trust for the Study of Adolescence was established in 1988, as an independent research organization and registered charity, to carry out and support research in the field, to provide information, and to address relevant social and policy issues. This publication arises directly out of the nature and level of enquiries for information received by the Trust. It is a compilation of the most common statistical data requested or used to answer such enquiries. There are six chapters: population, families and households; education, training and employment; physical health; sexual health; mental health; crime. Each chapter comprises a selection of charts and tables, with a judicious mix of descriptive and interpretative comment. The presentation is very good. There is a list of charts at the beginning of the guide, grouped under chapter headings. Sources of data are clearly indicated, with full references given at the end of each chapter.
One of the strengths of this publication is that the range of sources for data quoted goes beyond the mainstream official statistical sources, to include data from published research findings from some books and journal articles. Although not numerous, these extra sources have been used where they add a useful further dimension to the answer to a particular question. The overall coverage of the publication reflects the areas of current interest of the Trust, so that some areas, for example leisure, are not represented. It is a drawback to the user that there is no subject index. Apart from browsing the chapters themselves, the only way to discover whether or not a specific issue is included is to scan the list of charts at the beginning, and because this is a listing and not an index it would be easy to miss, for example, the tables relating to bullying in schools, which appear under the heading for the chapter on mental health and not under the earlier heading for the chapter on education, where one might naturally look. However, despite the lack of an index, the publication still represents a valuable resource, to be recommended for any collection where access to information about young people is required.
Many of the early founders of America were concerned with religious issues, and some of their concerns continue in contemporary science. Psychology of religion has a long history in American psychology, but one marred by neglect and misguided claims about the nature of science. Psychology of religion offers a chance for an expansion of behavioural science into realms of importance to many people. For example, both development during adolescence and the implications of gender differences may be illuminated by a consideration of the role of religion in human life. Particular topics discussed include conversion and religious mobility, religious experience, images of God, identity, and mental health and coping.
The success of any society depends upon how well parents perform their ...