Rococo Chocolates

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Rococo Chocolates Marketing

Market analysis confectionary

The global chocolate market value seventy-six billion U.S. dollars, and 4% growth this year is predicted. Although people who are more and more like the rest of the world's chocolate, as well as 70% of the total world consumption of chocolate, the number is connected to the old continent. Per capita consumption is the highest developed areas of Western Europe, were: Switzerland, Germany and Belgium, with an annual per capita consumption of more than 10 kg. Consumption was 3.9 kg in Hungary last year, still lags behind the average in Western Europe and the European data (6.54 kg), and (CAOBISCO) lags behind. The key behind the success in these countries, the most famous chocolate and candy manufacturers have more than two hundred years of uninterrupted success. In addition, these companies and factories have adequate financial and technical background, the rapid expansion in the domestic and foreign markets and to develop a wide range of innovative products. (Buford & Bill, 2008)

SWOT Analysis


• Experience • Knowledge Market

• Strong market position

• good customer and partner relationships

• provide the best quality products

• ensure the quality and reliability

• commitment to and confidence in management

• development of new products, according to consumer demand

• enter the market, showing the largest increase.

• Carefully selected brands - easy to remember, traditions, values ??representative of

• packaging reflects the excellent performance


• Consumers are familiar with the products adhere to the key

• High volatility within the marketing department

• No separate teams dealing with the new product group

• the development of the marketing department for further investment

• the few products can perfectly convey their shops


• The formation of a positive response the end-user

• fastest-growing part of the development opportunities

• target new consumer groups

• Increase brand value and competitiveness

• gain more market share


• To provide competitors

• the market demand is very seasonal

• Consumer choice, not the old brand new alternative

• possible negative publicity

• combination of poor marketing strategy

• long-term negative economic situation (Buford & Bill, 2008)

PEST Analysis

Political factors

Foreign and domestic political and financial performance of the company processes a significant impact. A long-term adjustment and restructuring programs have been launched in 2007 to meet the requirements of the EU's integration programs, and create a stable economic environment, the Government. It contains a new tax, energy prices and tax increases introduced, as well as health and education system reform as well. (Riley & Noel, 2001)

Economic factors

Short-term macroeconomic situation has become quite ...
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