Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Based in Princeton, New Jersey, the Robert timber Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the United States' largest philanthropy dedicated solely to wellbeing and wellbeing care.[1] The foundation's operation is to improve the wellbeing and wellbeing care of all Americans. The foundation has $7.5 billion in assets, developing allocations approaching $400 million a year [2]—to "address the nation's most complex wellbeing and wellbeing care issues. The base aspires to use these personal assets in the service of the public, and in a way that prompts new public principle, motivates activity from the personal part, and alterations schemes for consigning the best wellbeing care to the most people."Robert timber Johnson II constructed the family firm of Johnson & Johnson into the world's biggest wellbeing goods makercts maker.

The title by which most knew him—General—grew out of his service during World conflict II as a brigadier general in ascribe of the New York Ordnance District. He resigned his charge to accept President Roosevelt's designation as vice head person of the conflict output Board and head person of the lesser conflict Plants Corporation.

Johnson was an egalitarian industrialist pledged to free enterprise who championed and paid a smallest wage. Over the course of his 74 years, Johnson would also be a politician, author, boat crew, pilot, promoter of alcoholic beverage abstinence, activist and philanthropist. His interest in clinics directed him to conclude that hospital managers required specialized training. He connected Malcolm Thomas MacEachern, M.D., then leader of the American College of Surgeons, in a action that led to the origin at Northwestern University of one of the first schools of clinic administration.

Johnson furthermore had anxiety for clinic patients. He supported improved education for both medical practitioners and nurses, and he admired a enthusiastic health mind that furthermore was linked to a nurturing heart. Johnson past away in 1968, and established the base at his death with 10,204,377 portions of the company's stock. Currently, the base is led by Dr.Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, who was chosen to serve as leader and CEO in December 2002. Prior to Lavizzo-Mourey's tenure, Dr. Steve Schroeder assisted as the Foundation's leader from 1990 - 2002. Under the leadership of Dr. Steve Schroeder, the base performed a major function in curbing tobacco use in the US, expending $446 million from 1991 to 2003 in the direction of that goal, and it plans to use those knowledge to form its strike on childhood obesity. Since 1995, the number of mature person and teenage smokers has turned down 12.6 per hundred and 18 per hundred, respectively.

Grantmaking areas

These interest areas include:

Childhood fatness: turning around the childhood obesity outbreak by 2015 by advancing get get get access to to to to inexpensive wholesome nourishment and expanding possibilities for physical undertaking in schools and groups over the joined States.

In April 2007, the foundation pledged $500 million to reversing the childhood fatness epidemic. The leader and CEO is personally committed to turning around this outbreak by 2015 she is cited saying the following:

Combined with a need of safe playgrounds ...
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