Rm Assignments

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RM Assignments

RM assignments

Task 1.1

I believe that the Customer Satisfaction must be the top priority for the local estate agent. There are various research techniques to measure and evaluate the customer satisfaction, but I believe that Qualitative Research Method will the best method to analyze the customers feedbacks, opinions and perceptions about local estate agent. Qualitative research is an integral part of most marketing research. In contrast to the quantitative which is based on statistical procedures, qualitative research methods are non-standardized in nature. Typically, qualitative research methods are intelligence based, exploratory and applied during orientation, and help the researches to understand the problems that concern the Customers. The range of tasks that can be solved with the help of qualitative research is very wide. Qualitative research is a set of investigative techniques whose use is widespread. It provides an overview of the behavior and perceptions of people and helps us to study their views on a particular topic in more depth in a survey. It generates ideas and hypotheses that can help understand how an issue is perceived by the target population and to define or identify options related to this issue. This technique is used in many pre-test concepts (Richardson, 2005).

Qualitative research is characterized by an approach that aims to describe and analyze the culture and behavior of humans and their groups from the point of view of those who are studied. I perceive that qualitative studies are widely used as projective and enabling techniques that help researchers to uncover the motives, attitudes, attitudes, preferences, value of customer satisfaction with products or brands. Projective techniques help to overcome the difficulties of communication, and also reveal the hidden motives, implicit set etc. Most qualitative research methods are based on the use of the approaches developed by psychologists.

I believe that for measuring the customer satisfaction, the quantitative research method will be costly and time consuming as this research method involves conducting various surveys, based on the use of structured questions such as close-ended and open-ended questions. The main objective of quantitative research is to obtain a numerical estimate of the market or the reaction of respondents to an event. Such studies are used when needed accurate, statistically reliable numerical data.

Figure 1: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

While on the other hand, qualitative methods involve collecting information in a free form, they do not focus on statistical measurements, and based are on the understanding, explanation, and interpretation of empirical data. The main task of qualitative research methods is to answer the question of how, when, where, and why. Most qualitative studies are used to indicate the problem and the hypotheses. They can also be used as a preliminary to quantitative research to identify key indicators. Due to the small size of the group of respondents, the results of qualitative research cannot be generalized to the entire population. However, they can be extremely useful for the study of a particular issue, evaluation of various ...
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