Risk Assessment Techniques

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Risk Assessment Techniques

Risk Assessment Techniques


Implementation of projects, especially if they are related to software development (software) is clearly not a deterministic process. The novelty of the technology used complexity of tasks, lack the necessary skills development - because of these and many other factors, projects often do not go as planned (Rita 2003). One of the techniques that increase the likelihood of success in such conditions is the use of risk management techniques. Traditionally, risk management realizes the process of identification and analysis of events and responds to them. The aim is to maximize the likelihood of positive events and their consequences and to minimize the probability and consequences of adverse events. However, quite often limited to working only with adverse events.


Risk - an event that can (if implemented) influence the course of the project. The risk that was realized becomes a problem. The impact or consequence of risk - the impact of realized risk the possibility to perform certain components of the plan (Lock 2007). The impact is usually for the cost, schedule and technical performance of the developed product. For example, in software development risk exposure can lead to the fact that the product will cease to satisfy the customer in full, or even unusable (Kanabar 2007). The impact is often latent period - from the moment of the manifestation of risk before the net change in the system. To assess the impact of risk commonly used standard units or qualitative scale (e.g. negligible, low, significant, large, and catastrophic). To work with positive risks should be appropriately expanded scale (Lock 2007).

The probability of risk is the likelihood that this risk will become a problem. This also applies qualitative scale (negligible probability, low, and so on - until the very probable). But it can be used and the numerical value ...
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