Rise Of The Profession Of Pharmacy And Medicine

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Rise of the Profession of Pharmacy and Medicine


The paper discusses the rise of pharmacy and medicine in the French colony/state of Louisiana and the British laissez-faire colonies. It mentions the social and the cultural influence of the colonies in transforming the medicine into a professional area of study. The medicine and poison laws and the regulations were developed following the modern transformation. United States of America's medical system was transformed due to the influence of the French colonies and the nineteenth century medicinal practices. The paper also discusses the standard of the practice adopted by the nations which are still practiced around the world.

Table of Contents


The Rise of Pharmacy in French Colony5

Rise of Professional Medicine in the British Laissez-Faire Colonies6

The Social and Cultural Influence7

Comparison of the Rise of Pharmacy and Medicine9

Medicine in the Renaissance10

Medicine in the Seventeenth Century12

Medicine in the Eighteenth Century14

The Transformation of American Medicine15

Licensure Examinations17

The Drug and Poison Laws18

Pharmacy and Medicine Practice Acts19

Professional standards of practice22


End Notes24

Rise of the Profession of Pharmacy and Medicine


The pharmaceutical industry evolved from a series of different activities related to the extraction of substances used in medicine. In the early nineteenth century, apothecaries, chemists or the owners of herbal dry parts obtained from herbs from various plants, which were collected locally or on in continents. Some medicines, such as those prepared from the bark of belladonna, digitalis in, rye cuckold (Claviceps purpurea) or opium (dried latex of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum) were really helpful, but its activity varies considerably. In 1820, the French chemist Joseph Pelleteria prepared the active alkaloid of cinchona bark and called quinine. Following this success alkaloids isolated several more, including atropine (obtained from belladonna) or strychnine (obtained from the nux vomica) [1]. His work and that of other researchers made it possible to standardize various medicines and commercially extracted active ingredients. One of the first companies to pure alkaloids extracted in commercial quantities was the pharmacy of TH Smith Ltd. in Edinburgh, Scotland. Soon the details of the chemical tests were released in the pharmacopoeias, forcing manufacturers to establish their own laboratories. Later many researchers and the pharmacists conduct researches the field of autopsy and anatomy, thus establishing it into a professional field of study. The teaching institutions were established where the students were selected based on their competencies, the drug laws were introduced and the medicine exports increases. This paper discusses the rise of medicine and pharmacy in the French colony and the British laissez-faire colonies. It mentions the social and cultural influence of the nation's in the development of medical science and pharmacy and adoption if this field as a professional practice [1].

The Rise of Pharmacy in French Colony

The medicine reform in the French colony is dated from the intellectual awakening that occurred by the revolution. But more precisely it started with the researches in Physiology and anatomy of Marie François Xavier Bichat (1771-1802). The significance of Marie's work specifically of the Anatomie is significant. One can point out their value as providing a ...
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