Review Of Literature: Benefits In The Elementary Classroom

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Review of Literature: benefits in the elementary classroom

Review of Literature: benefits in the elementary classroom


Invented spelling, sometimes referred to as inventive spelling, is the practice of spelling unknown words by making an educated estimate as to the correct spelling based on the writer's existing phonetic knowledge. By focusing on the patterns underlying different forms of writing, Clay found that children used invented spelling as they developed more conventional spelling. Writing begins early as preschoolers become increasingly purposeful in representing concepts in their environment. Through immersion in print-rich environments and interacting with knowledgeable language users, children learn the forms and functions of print and learn to link meaning and form.

Individual Study Reviews

Sulzby (1985) found that kindergarten children used different forms of writing for different tasks such as words, sentences, or stories; they used immature forms of writing (e.g., scribble) when attempting a more difficult task like writing a story. Sulzby identified developmental patterns including drawing, making letter-like units, using random letters, using invented spelling, and then writing conventional words. It has been followed that kindergartners who participated in an emergent literacy writing program. They found that connecting writing to authentic purposes, literature, and to each other fostered students' writing development. Casbergue and Plauché (2005) found that a kindergartener developed through different stages as she gained control of mechanical aspects of writing; at times, she appeared to regress as she alternated focusing on form and meaning. Tolchinsky (2006) argued that children's writing development does not move unidirectionally from smaller to larger units, but rather through four stages. In the initial stage, meaning of the pattern is determined by the place it appears. The child proceeds through a gradual process of selecting and combining forms until he or she arrives at the alphabetic principle. The knowledge acquired at one level both guides and constrains what can be learned at other levels.

Compare and Contrast sources

Studies with older students also support the premise that children develop writing skills as they mature. Kelly followed her own child's development from ages 5 through 10 and found that he used a variety of forms including signs, notes, and stories for communicative purposes. Her son developed a range of writing strategies from invented spelling to conventional spellings through his literate environment and interactions with his parents. Kelly explored children's knowledge of genre at ages 8, 11, and 14 and found that children developed more complex prose structures and more elaboration in their writing with age and experience. Practitioners who work within the emergent framework have found that young children use a variety of genres in their writing. Research conducted from the emergent perspective highlights the developmental nature of children's writing as they interact with print.Review of the literature associated with these different orientations to the study of written language reveals the questions that this research addresses. Thinking of philosophers and theorists discussed in the first place. Contribution to research on written language, to better understand teaching writing classes to ...
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