Review Of Affluenza

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Review of Affluenza

Review of Affluenza

Review of Affluenza

Anyone who feels overloaded with his work and anyone who is trying hard to come up difficulties at work every day for survival, anyone who has lost hope of recovery of debt, anyone who has worried about either he has able to afford retirement or not, then he must read Affluenza. There was a PBS show which originally name Affluenza, later Graaf, write a book on it and named it Affluenza, it was considered as a bibles of movements to protect capitalists. I found Affluenza, an eye- opening book when I had an experience to read it. We have a perception that for doing business successfully we have to work a week for forty hours, but usually we have to work more than forty hours, because there is no other way to be productive. Kellogg's offered a pay equal to forty hours for his worker for working only thirty hours a week, now you can imagine what is the productivity level, that workers were able to get pay equal to forty hours while working for only thirty hours. In America there is naturalized system and they take it as a natural way of doing business to work more for achieving more. Today we have I Pads, Internet and latest technologies but still we have to work more than the people's work in past ages and have to make harder effort than them for survival and to achieve productivity, In Affluenza there are cases which shows that, how to be productive and achieve an optimum level of productivity. Afflenza uncovered the secrets of doing business successfully.

Today in most cases workers are producing the productivity in twenty hours, which is equal to the level which workers produce in forty hours before twenty years from toady, but ...
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