Upon their release, Ex- Convicts see themselves arbitrarily inflict in heavy steps. In particular they may be subjected to oppressive police surveillance, interviewed on their daily activities or required to report regularly to police. Some are re-arrested and imprisoned simply because they have exercised their rights to freedom of expression, association, voting and employment. Most are not allowed to have a passport. Harassed and threatened, they are many who cannot find work and all have difficulties rebuild their lives.
Ex- Convicts, once released, are denied their rights to freedom of expression, association, voting and employment. Some have been threatened to prevent them from expressing themselves or participate in social activities. Many others see their movement within the country subject to restrictions, or cannot travel abroad because they are refused to issue a passport. These measures seriously affect lives of hundreds of former prisoner's policies and their families. They maintain, to infinity, the penalty imposed for past acts, and very limited strong civil and political rights of these people, as their Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Most political prisoners, a once released, are subject to measures administrative control and are for example often required to report regularly the police station in their neighborhood. Persons under supervision must request administrative permission to go abroad or out of their area of residence. The former political prisoners are often unable to visit with relatives or friends, or to submit to a medical appointment in another city.
Several studies show that inmates leave prison with no resources. 30% of them end up penniless, jobless and homeless. 1/5 Ex- Convicts have 8 € in their pocket at the end of their incarceration and one third are left alone. Indeed, Ex- Convicts often become homeless and / or unemployed. There ...