As organizations continue to diversify, the opportunities for workplace problems intensify. Small business owners and managers typically face one or more of three potential levels of conflict -- employee, team or organization-wide issues. Often the underlying causes of these problems are the lack of open, flowing communications or using the wrong organizational structure. Many businesses compound problems by avoiding communicating a clear chain of command path.
Any project starts with gathering information, planning and implementation of those information on the project according to the requirements of a company. The first step of planning is the initiation of the plan, after initiation, the project has to be planned to a befitting aim. The chief intend of planning is to plan the time, cost and resources for the work needed. There should be a back up plan in case of any failure during or after the implementation of the specific project plan because a failure to adequately plan highly influences the project's marketing and reduces the chances of successfully gaining its aims.
When employees feel as though they have choice and can make direct decisions, this does often lead to a greater feeling of self-worth. In a model where power is closely tied to sense of self, having some power is a valuable thing. An employee who does not feel constantly watched and criticized is more likely to consider work as a positive environment, rather than a negative one.
Team work is totally based on the word 'Trust'. Trust is a biggest issue in today's business world, since evidence suggests that trust between organization and is employees is unstable and waning. It is impossible to have an effective and productive team work without trust
The Responsibility Project: No Phone Zone Day
The issues in the film are important because ethical principles are what shape and define the values of any organization. The Responsibility Project is what Liberty Mutual has addressed to put together a program that helps those in need in the communities around them and to better themselves as well. This is one company that has gone above and beyond to help those within their community. As community members, we have responsibilities. One of our most important responsibilities is social responsibility because it requires all of us to make a difference. The issue in the video is using the cell phone while driving. Using a cell phone while driving is an organizational issue because it disrupts the justice system and results in many victims. According to the No Phone Zone video an estimated 812,000 people use mobile devices while driving, one out of three teen drivers admit to texting while driving, 5,870 people were killed and 515,000 people were injured because of distracted drivers (2010). This growing ethical issue has compelled people to take a stand on April 30, 2010 to form an awareness day called No Phone Zone Day (No Phone Zone Day, 2010). Not only is driving while using a cell phone an ethical issue, it is currently a legal issue ...