Responsibility & Financial Situation

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Responsibility & Financial Situation

Responsibility & Financial Situation

Responsibility & Financial Situation

Responsibility has become an integral part in today's businesses because as we know today's world is facing financial crisis and organization try to develop some plans to improve their financial responsibilities. Financial responsibility is the process of managing money and other assets in a manner that is considered productive and in the best interests of the individual or family. Being proficient at the task of finance and money management involves cultivating a mindset that makes it possible to look beyond the wants of today in order to provide for the needs of tomorrow. In order to achieve a high level of financial responsibility, it is necessary to understand several basic principles.

The process of fiscal responsibility begins with understanding the difference between needs and wants. Making this distinction helps to ensure that the more important purchases are taken care of, while goods and services that are not essential to maintaining a decent quality of life are acquired after needs are met. Some examples of needs that would apply to most people include food, clothing, and shelter. Many people would also feel that earning educational credentials that are at least university level is also a need in today's world.

Once there is a clear understanding of the difference between wants and needs, the next step in financial responsibility involves learning what to do with money left over once those basic living needs are met. Saving money should be a priority when evaluating ways to spend your surplus income. Even if no more than a small percentage of the weekly paycheck is set aside in some type of interest bearing account, that amount will grow over time and create a degree of financial security that would not be possible otherwise. Being good with money sometimes means saving a portion of available resources for emergencies or for use later in life.

Creating and sticking to a budget is basic to financial responsibility. People are never too young to begin this process. For example, a teenager who is old enough and has a part time job is in a position to make efficient use of a budget. While food and shelter may not be line items for the time being, there is a good chance that setting aside money for meals out, dates, car payments and car insurance will be considered important. By creating a budget that ...
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