Residential Fieldtrips And Marketing Education

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Residential Fieldtrips and Marketing Education

Residential Fieldtrips and Marketing Education


Marketing is a set of activities carried out by individuals and organizations to facilitate and speed up transactions and exchanges in the market in the context of the environment and market conditions. Marketing focuses on the needs of customers through integrated marketing efforts result in a good sign of good customer needs and satisfying those needs, and are achieving the goals of the organization through customer satisfaction. The process of selling part of the marketing efforts, but they focus on the product from the goods or services, through the efforts of sales and promotion, and are achieving the goals of the institution through the volume of sales.

Marketing is a branch of economics that deals with the descriptive study of the market and market analysis and user interaction with the company. The term originates from the word market, added to the ending of the gerund to indicate the active, i.e. the action on the market (Kotler et al., 2010, 7-17). In marketing, the most important is the awareness that the client and his expectations of the most important element of business (if there are no customers, the company loses in the economic state) and the result of this awareness process for identifying and meeting customer needs - while providing profit company and the continuity of its operation. In order to achieve this, the techniques used to assist this process are market research, product development, impact on the market, pricing, sales (Kotler et al., 2010, 7-17).

Literature Review

In marketing, we can distinguish a number of issues, such as:

Finding and assessing opportunities for the market, leading to the needs of customers (buyers) and the exact determination of these needs

Development on the basis of this knowledge of the product and its distribution strategies

Preparing an appropriate strategy and price promotions

Advertising and product information, such as viral marketing, product placement.

An organization, that wants to ensure that, consumers have a vision and positive opinion of it and its products, must manage the product itself, its price, its relationship with customers, suppliers and their own employees, advertising itself in various means and media, the presence in the media (public relations, etc.). Marketing experts agree that there are four factors that influence purchasing decisions. We call these four factors the “marketing mix” or the “four P”.

Product: What are you selling?

Price: How much can you charge for your product?

Place: Where will people buy your product?

Promotion: How will you market your product?

The success of these four elements strongly influences the income of your business (Kotler et al., 2010, 7-17).

Associated Concepts

Needs, desires and demands

The need is an internal state of the body, caused when there is an imbalance in the desired states and what one owns or has. The needs generally linked to the physical condition of the body. When needs are set out for objects, the feeling of desire is prevalent, i.e. desires are specific, oriented needs for the individual (McKenna, 1991, 65-7). Demand is the desire to acquire a specific product ...
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